Who is applying ED or EA this year?

<p>GASP!!! Still nothing in Mail today :frowning: The majority were supposed to go out end of day on Fri with some hold over until Mon. Tue. Can’t stand the wait!!!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!! Just found out today :slight_smile: BEST NEWS EVER!!!</p>

<p>Hi, congrats to everyone who got accepted, that’s so wonderful!!! Can I ask, did you get your decisions in the postal mail? Just asking because I am an international student and half the time the mail doesn’t make it to my country. Thanks, congrats again!</p>

<p>U.S students are all notified by standard mail. I don’t know the policy for international students. There is one other student here you might ask, he is an accepted international student (sidthekid). Otherwise, send an email to admissions or call and ask. They are friendly and will be happy to help. Good Luck to you!!</p>

<p>Congrats teamie! that’s gr8 news.</p>

<p>I got my decision by fed ex. I got it on the 16th, abt 5 days after it was posted, so u will probably find something in your mailbox in a couple of days. All the best!</p>

<p>Thanks teamie and sidthekid! I am hoping very much!</p>

<p>wooo i was accepted!! yayyy</p>

<p>Cholpon, I am hoping the best for you. Keep us posted. leeloo231, WOOT! Congrats!!! Don’t know about you but I am so excited!!</p>

<p>Namaste… sidthekid and thank you! Have you visited campus yet? You’re gonna love Colorado!</p>

<p>I am accepted too, I received the decision by email.</p>

<p>Congrats junjunguo!!! Are you an international student?</p>

<p>thanks teamie and everyone else who got accepted, congrats! so psyched</p>

<p>Yes! I am Chinese :)</p>

<p>Hey all! Congrats to everyone that’s been accepted!! I haven’t been on this board in…well…years to be exact haha. I was in your exact position four years ago, posting on this message board and anxiously awaiting to hear from CC. I am now a senior at CC and am feeling a little nostalgic looking through this board and my old posts. The time truly has flown by and I’ve love every minute of my experience here. My perspective of the school is quite different now than it was 3-4 years ago, but not necessarily in a bad way. If anyone has any questions or concerns about the school, feel free to PM me! I will be graduating in just over 2 months, so I have pretty much the entire CC experience under my belt :). I’ve grown up a lot these last four years and it’s just crazy to look back on the whole experience!</p>

<p>Anyways, enough of the nostalgic ramblings, congrats to all you acceptees! I hope you all choose CC because it really is an amazing place :slight_smile: Feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have about the school. I like to procrastinate ;)</p>

<p>^^How has your experience been academically? Has the block plan worked for you?</p>

<p>The block plan has worked really well for me. I’m a biology major and have thrived academically here. With that being said, the block plan definitely does not work for everyone. I know a couple people who really don’t like the block plan (or at least don’t feel it is the best way for them to learn) but have stayed at CC because they like so many other aspects of the school. I also know people that transferred freshman year because they really didn’t like the block plan. In my experience, however, it’s been great. I love being totally focused on one subject and even though the classes move at such a fast pace, it’s managable because it’s ALL you have to do. I went abroad last year and spent one semester on a regular semester plan and I really didn’t like it. It was very hard for me to focus and prioritize my work when I had to constantly switch between history, politics, biology, etc. Plus, having four finals within two weeks is NOT fun!!</p>

<p>I could go on forever, but overall I love the block plan because I can immerse myself in the subject I’m learning, and having block breaks every month is a bonus as well. Some subjects definitely cater to the block plan’s style of learning better than others. I personally don’t feel math or foreign languages work particularly well, but if you grasp concepts quickly and are willing to work at it every night, it’s no problem.If anyone has any more questions or wants any clarification, feel free to ask!</p>

<p>PeaceOut 007, Thanks SO much for your detailed and reassuring post. This is what I had imagined the CC experience to be and I’m really thinking/hoping it’s perfect for my kid, who is headed to CC this fall and planning to focus on art (both studio art and art history). I hope you do really well as your life continues after school, and thanks so much for taking the time to describe your experience.</p>

<p>You’re welcome! I hope your kid enjoys CC as much as I have :). If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask here or PM me.</p>

<p>Thanks, PO. I can see how the block plan might be great for natural sciences like bio and geo, especially with all the great field opportunities CC’s location makes possible. Can also see how it might not work so well for languages and math. Were those the fields of the people you know who transferred? In any case, my younger son will be doing CC’s summer session, so he’ll have a great chance to see if the block plan is right for him. :)</p>

<p>Yeah, a summer class will be perfect! It’s pretty easy to tell if the block plan is for you from just one or two classes. Everyone I know that transferred due to the block plan left freshman year, so they were either undecided or I was not aware of what they were interested in studying. </p>

<p>The block plan is definitely perfect for natural sciences, especially field classes! All the senior geology majors took a class last block spent half the class in Death Valley and the other half in the Bahamas. There are also bio classes that spend a block in Patagonia and a block in Belize. 8th block I am taking an ornithology class that spends a week camping in Arizona. One of the pluses of foreign language on the block plan is the amount of classes that are held in countries where the language is spoken (both beginner and advanced levels). I have a friend that took two summer blocks of Spanish in Spain and she loved it! There are also language classes in Chile, Italy, France, Russia, China, etc.</p>