<p>me too. I promised gunner I'm so bad. I said by 11:19 I'd be in bed, it's 11: 32 but I still need to watch something darnit :p</p>
<p>Courageous Celebrian sounds better.</p>
<p>How am I courageous? :confused:</p>
<p>^yeap thanks i couldnt think of something with a C...lol...</p>
<p>but i think Goosepoo Gunner suits u just fine gunner..! lmao</p>
<p>ok im off...for real this time...lol :D</p>
<p>ps: what are you watching celeb?? (please please not what i think ....and if i say it i'll most certainly be banned :p :p :D) lollll j/kz :p</p>
<p>haha naughty Anita! I'm about to watch a video gunner asked me to watch :p</p>
<p>LOLLLL yeah i just read the other thread properly and realized :p haha</p>
<p>ok now im actually going to kick myself off the computer...dayum its so hard to stop talking to you guys!! :)</p>
<p>ah good night Anita. We love you too! :D</p>
<p>Did you watch it yet?!?!?!</p>
<p>Yes gunner! :D Now off to homework. cya tomorrow!</p>
<p>I've cracked my neck so many times that I've lost feeling in it. But then the feeling comes back and I still have a stiff neck. I try to crack my neck again and theres just no more crack left in it !!</p>
<p>Thats how stressed I am.</p>
<p>Ugh I hate popping my neck or whatever, it's really loud.</p>
<p>That feeling feels wonderful Jusgimmethegun</p>
<p>And yes, I am very relaxed in my senior year. Exams are next week too</p>
<p>I hate the sound of cracking joints, it erks me for some reason :p</p>
<p><em>crack crack crack</em></p>
<p>You're just scared because it reminds you that you're a crack baby.</p>
<p>You're MY crack baby though.</p>
<p><em>screams</em> Gah cracking fingers drives me up a wall! :D But if I have to be a crack baby, at least I'm yours :p</p>
<p>zackly, I think we should play a scavenger hunt game. when you reply to a post reply in a different thread. I havent worked out the details but its sure to be confusing.</p>
<p>That would be ultra confusing...I like it :) But not now, I need to multitask and that would require too much thought :) I like your crazy ideas (like thread heroes!)</p>