<p>Stephen Jay Gould and Rachel Carson get my votes, although they died prematurely of cancer. :(</p>
<p>Dawkins although a selfish man - is very brilliant, agree</p>
<p>Charlie Weis</p>
<p>misterflyer1997: He did visit Hezbollah and express support for their right to arm themselves. Chomsky also had a friendly chat with Nasrallah. </p>
<p>But I guess you will argue that Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization?</p>
<p>It depends on your definition of terrorism, which is politically loaded. The way the Bush Admimistration does it terrorists can be defined as the people we disagree with, and freedom fighters are the ones we like.</p>
<p>Give me your defintion of terrorism.</p>
<p>John Rawls FTW! :)</p>
<p>I still say arron spelling..</p>
<p>C'mon Charlies Angels and 90210? </p>
<p>How can you not see it?</p>
<p>Robert Nozick</p>
<p>P. Diddy.</p>
<p>/ducks, runs and hides</p>
<p>Mr. Bill Clinton</p>