Who Is Your Favorite and Least Favorite United States President?

<p>About wars:
I believe that one should not DECLARE or GO INTO war for economic and land reasons, but if a country wins a war and doesn’t care about the welfare of that country’s people, then that nation has all the right in the world to take as much as it wants. Of course, if countries followed this, then most wars would be considered invalid. All you would have would be religious wars, the World Wars, the Balkan Wars, and other wars where a country is showing instability.</p>

<p>“To the victor belong the spoils.”
~ Senator William L. Marcy</p>

<p>Just follow that doctrine and see where the country is headed.</p>

<p>^ Yeah. It was either ■■■■■ or a cold-hearted and ignorant person, so I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt.</p>

<p>Jason does not belong in the smartest bushel of apples…</p>

<p>Favorite: Polk. Efficient, and a bad ***.</p>

<p>Least favorite: Obama. Healthcare reform FTL.</p>

<p>Everyone on College Confidential:
jasonInNy’s opinions are his own, however cold-hearted, but that doesn’t mean you have to continuously call him a “■■■■■” or something. Calling him insults won’t help the situation–it will actually hurt it even more. You can’t amend a person’s thought process by telling his/her beliefs are wrong–you have to show him/her the consequences of thinking that way and how others feel about the situation at hand.</p>

<p>Truly then shall one be at peace.</p>

<p>sdkidwooh: I respect your opinion and appreciate your response completely. Polk was a very effective president with his foreign policy and ability to secure territorial advances, but his actions led to failed the Compromise of 1850 and that led to slavery issues which led to Bleeding Kansas which led to the Civil War, which makes him in my below average president list. </p>

<p>About Obama’s healthcare reform: Many (I’m not directing this at anyone) hate this reform, but only because they don’t know about it. I have qualms about healthcare reform because I researched it and found that some of the things (mainly the pork that has nothing to do with healthcare) could be detrimental to our healthcare (like it being government owned and the fact that the bill doesn’t talk about the average citizen being affected by the reform).</p>

<p>To make reform we need a single-payer system, healthcare controlled by doctors and hospitals, and extend Medicare to all ages. We also need to take some limitations off of medical practice. Some limitations on medical practices cause doctors to waste time and money to work on a patient so that they wouldn’t be charged on account of medical malpractice. If the doctor tries to do everything efficiently and for the care of the patient, then the government has no right to stop that.</p>

<p>^ I pointed out the falsities in his argument.</p>

<p>Based on his other posts though, I firmly believe he is a ■■■■■.</p>

<p>So now I’m going against two people’s beliefs?
I’m just joking.
romanigypsyeyes: That’s fine if you think he’s a ■■■■■, but I’m the guy he did the “■■■■■■■■” [sic] to, and I frankly believe that insults won’t help the situation at all.
Only teaching and understanding, not diatribe, will get people out of ignorance. </p>

<p>I am in no way trying to be offensive to either one of you, jasonInNy or romanigypsyeyes.</p>

<p>My least favorite is William Harrison. That guy could not get anything done!</p>

<p>Hello everyone on College Confidential.
SaintSaens: I expressed that I didn’t want any presidents who died near their inauguration or election date to be included in the favorite or least favorite category. If that was allowed, many would say Harrison or Garfield.</p>

<p>I haven’t taken AP US yet</p>

<p>Bill Clinton aka the first black president.</p>

<p>porkperson: Just because you haven’t taken a class doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know about relevant things to our life. Many people never take AP US, but we need to know the major presidents (not all of them–it’s pretty difficult to do so) both good and bad to see if we are progressing any further as a country. We also need to know mistakes of prior presidents to prevent this gaffes from occurring any longer. I’ve haven’t taken a physics course at all yet, but I still read about it and try to educate myself. I LOVE philosophy even though philosophy isn’t even offered at my school. I’ve haven’t taken as many AP classes as a lot of people on College Confidential, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take my time to learn outside of school and try to make myself a better person.
I mean NO offense to you, porkperson, or anyone else here, but we all need to make an effort to educate ourselves outside of school because the real world, with all these foreign, domestic, economic, moral, and societal problems are most likely not going to be mentioned in the average classroom.</p>

<p>andrewexd: That is in no way funny. No offense, but it seems to me that you are the kind of person who takes serious political matters that affects us every single day as a joke for your own pleasure. I’m sorry but that attitude is not welcome in society today.</p>

<p>Favorite: James Bucannan - of course the greatest…
Least Favorite: George Washington - beginner’s luck…</p>

<p>muhammadsajjad: you need to lighten up. That nickname for Clinton has been used NUMEROUS times.</p>

<p>cb0610: I don’t think I’ve heard anyone citing Washington as a least favorite or favorite US president ever. He usually is near the top of lists actually because he shaped the presidency for the United States. He once stated that: “I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent.” And that is completely true. If Washington did not refuse a third term after his two great terms, then the 22nd Amendment wouldn’t exist. </p>

<p>James Buchanan is near the bottom of my list due to his handling of situations that led to the American Civil War.</p>

<p>cb0610: Did you switch the two? (I hope you did, but, if not, that’s your opinion.)</p>

<p>Favorite: FDR. He saved our country.
Runner-up: Johnson. I know Vietnam was crap, but his cause for social justice was commendable (Great society, civil rights etc). </p>

<p>Least Favorite: tied
A whole bunch I don’t like:
Reagan: quadrippled our debt. Supply-side economics does not work. Star wars =failure
Teddy: His imperialistic mindset annoys me
Bush II: Don’t spend without finding a way to pay for it.
People like Pierce, Harrison, Harding, Coolidge and the slew during the gilded age were pretty bad.</p>

<p>to muhammadsajjad:
Yeah you nailed it exactly. i was just joking on my first post. Washington is surely one of the best if not the best president while buchanan is considered by most to be the worst.</p>

<p>It’s okay cb0610. I sort of realized that after a while with the statement “beginner’s luck.”
Have some dinner, dessert, and sleep afterwards–it’s Spring Break.</p>



<p>you dimwit.</p>

<p>the SUPREME COURT elected him into the office. . . . . Gore actually had more popular votes. . . . .get your facts straight–the will of the Supreme Court does not necessarily reflect the will of the people.</p>

<p>Hello THE<code>HAIRY</code>LEMON: I am not trying to instigate a fight at all, but that point was already made. I already stated that I didn’t want jasonInNY to be continuously insulted, so please stop. It’s a possibility that he is raised in a climate where Bush is thought of as a good president and his family advocated the Bush Administration.
jasonInNY: If you are reading this post, then please address your opinion with more facts next time to prevent something like this from happening again, OK.</p>

<p>Have a nice dinner, dessert, and sleep to all. Have a cookie while you’re at it! (I have dinner at 4:00 PM so you can’t wish me anything… which actually maybe more of a disadvantage than an advantage)</p>