Who Is Your Favorite and Least Favorite United States President?

<p>Hello everyone on College Confidential.
InquisitiveOne: His voice of “moderation” is cited by some historians, but many believe that he was more of an ideologist above all other things, not realizing that he would cause many points in history for the worse. And after his stroke during the Fourteen Points and League of Nations discussion, he became so obstinate that he wouldn’t compromise for even the tiniest things.
Remember Senator Henry Cabot Lodge who loathed Wilson more than any other president because he refused to change his outlook? The only thing that saved Wilson from complete shame was when the public favored ratification after Wilson persuaded them continuously.</p>

<p>(Sorry for the double post–I must have submitted the post last night by accident.)</p>

<p>Hello everyone on College Confidential.
randomazn14: Actually, I am not an international. I live in “Denmark’s counterpart,” i.e. Michigan (you know, since both places are shaped like hands). Sorry for the confusion.</p>

<p>THE<code>HAIRY</code>LEMON: I also think Harding was incompetent (and immoral considering the fact that he committed adultery with 15 to 18 year old girls when he was about 50 years old…), but Harding, like most other presidents between Wilson and FDR, were just lame-ducks trying to get Conservatives power in the government again. As you can see with government today, that notion completely failed.</p>



<p>yes, it did.</p>

<p>But it failed with heavy consequences.</p>

<p>/rant on. . . .</p>

<p>Thank you Newt Gingrich, for mindlessly creating the Art of Gridlock that soo plagues our Congress today. Because of you and your narrow-minded desire to gain power for the Republicans instead of trying to contribute to American society, ALL OF OUR MODERATES LEFT! :frowning: you ******… . . .</p>

<p>/rant off.</p>

<p>Favorite- Reagan
worst-George bush-43- even though h did have an incredibly rough presdency</p>

<p>THE<code>HAIRY</code>LEMON: I hate the power struggles between Liberals and Conservatives in both parties–why can’t politicians work for the people?!!.. oh yeah…

<p>I agree with you: Where did all the moderates go? Can’t we have reform but at a slower pace that satisfies the American people and not the politicians who represent them?</p>

<p>Bush is the best president:

  1. Tax cuts for the rich
  2. invade Iraq for oil. Europe had oil for $6 a gallon and japan had oil for $8 a gallon. Who the hell do u think subsidizes our oil costs? Bush.</p>

<p>Worst president is Obama:

  1. Tax raises on capital gain
  2. He will not continue tax cuts
  3. He will raise taxes for AT LEAST the highest 3 brackets, about 30-40% of Americans.</p>

<p>If u don’t think ur taxes are going up, please look up our debt and deficits. Someone has to pay this deficit and Its gonna be the people like the avg CC’er and the white collared man.</p>

<p>^One reason to not enjoy success. If you win the lottery, the government will take half of it away, at least, that’s what’s stupid about the lottery. YOU HAVE JUST WON 90 MILLION DOLLARS, oh wait, now it’s actually 40, government tax, no biggie. rofl. </p>

<p>Favorite President(s): Jefferson: He IS the reason we are a country essentially and got it all started.
Lincoln: Essentially attempted and partially succeeded in abolishing slavery</p>

<p>Least Favorite President(s): George Dubya Bush, dude’s ****ing stupid, and is the reason for most of the problems Obama can’t fix.
Obama: Made too many promises and dreams he’s yet to fulfill, take it one step at a time big guy.
Taft: Guy couldn’t fit in a bathtub, that spells lazy and fat, just like his presidency. He oppose Teddy Roosevelt my 3rd favorite president, Bull Moose was almost an epic win. :(</p>

<p>No offense jasonInNy, I’m not refusing your statements but I hope you are being sarcastic for bush. Tax cuts are great, but what about the poorer Americans who are struggling because they actually can’t find work and not because they are lazy people who don’t care whether they find work or not? My family received tax cuts under Bush, but that doesn’t mean that Bush was a good president. Another thing: you believe going to a war for oil (which will run out anyway!) is justified. You are saving money for the blood of American soldiers just doing what they’re told and innocent Iraqi citizens who get lost in the crossfire. (Remember the “Blood for Oil” posters?) He actually caused greater tensions with the Middle East than he did create safety of American citizens and democracy of despotic countries in the Middle East with the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Obama will probably go down in history as a below average president (but a role model for minorities everywhere, I assure you), but there were even worse presidents than Obama…</p>

<p>jasonInNy: No offense, but it seems like you only know and care about the only two presidents in your lifetime rather than all of the US presidents–and that is a big mistake. </p>

<p>Everyone has to stop wallowing in ignorance and start becoming active citizens in government ready to make a change.</p>

<p>MattNC: Taft was a bad president and would go down as one of my last, but because he was so depressed during his presidency, which made him eat a lot of food and become so fat, I put him as my bottom 9 instead of 5 or something. But then again, his Dollar Diplomacy could be compared to Bush’s presidential war aims…</p>

<p>Do you know how important oil is? It was a economic decision to promote growth. </p>

<p>The “poor” people in this contry are miles richer than the average human so shut up and embrace capitalism.</p>

<p>Countries go to war over resources all the time. Don’t kid yourself with your political correctness. People are inherently greedy, as evident by the huge productivity of capitalism.</p>

<p>Also would you rather be much richer or marginally safer?</p>

<p>When you are choosing the latter, keep in mind that people kill, and are willing TO BE killed, for money. Think prisons and gangs.</p>

<p>^You are ■■■■■■■■.</p>



<p>I can’t stand people like you who only care about the bottom line. You’re *<strong><em>ed off about the debt, but who put us in that debt? Your man George Walker Bush. Where do you think the money for your oil war came from? Tax dollars. The national debt almost doubled under Bush. So before you get *</em></strong>ed off about having to pay off the debt, look where it came from. Now who should be ****ed off?</p>

<p>This kid Muhammad has a good head on his shoulders, I like the way he thinks. </p>



<p>Yeah, that’s good logic. You would rather have none than some. So you’re saying you WOULD NOT want to win the lottery just because your winnings will be taxed, leaving you with a cool 40mil?</p>

<p>^But they would have worked so hard for that 90 Million.</p>

<p>jasonInNy: I am not attacking you directly and I respect your opinion. Please respect mine also. I am a capitalist all the way, but I do believe that people of the WORLD need to get out of poverty. In my religion, Imam Ali (a.s.) was a very important individual who followed the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saw) very much. He was a great man–and there is no doubting that, no matter what your religion is. He made many quotes that Shias, like myself follow.
“Poverty is a curse.”
~Imam Ali (a.s.)
I think we need to help all human beings from living in poverty. I am sure that American soldiers fought in the Iraq War because of the WMDs that were not even there, but since they can’t leave, they still have to fight a war against oppressive dictators and religious extremists who don’t deserve to be called “muslim.” I went to Iraq many times and Iraqi citizens love that America saved them many times, but they wish that the fighting could stop and they could live normal lives again. I met this old woman who lost her son because he was going to the market and was shot in some crossfire in a battle with American and Iraqi soldiers vs. Terrorists. She wished not to destroy America, but she wished the terrorists and soldiers would go away. I’m sorry to say, but media of all nations only show what the people want to see. Media in Pakistan will show politicians in Islamic garb and media in the US will show the achievements of the US.
What we need to do is stop thinking about people of solely our nation, but we need to think about EVERYONE on earth, because they’re people too. They laugh, they smile, they feel, they think, etc. We are people of the world who need to work together to solve problems of the world. The Monroe Doctrine’s isolation can’t work in a world with globalization.</p>

<p>If I offended you jasonInNy in any way whatsoever, I am very sorry.</p>

<p>Thank you very much Nullisecundus for supporting me.</p>

<p>Oh my God it would be laborious. Raising your arm to put the bill in the machine, and then having to press the button for the ticket they want? It’s too much. The ogvernment can’t tax the fruit of such honest work.</p>

<p>Bush was a good president ok.

First of all, I’d like to point out our military spending is the LOWEST since WWII as a percentage of GDP. That means we actually arent spending more tax dollars.</p>

<p>Lets consider the issue of poverty for a minute. We have to ask ourselves, why are people rich/poor? Consider Warren Buffet. If we took away all his cash and dropped him off at Detroit how would he fare? Chances are, he’d find a VERY nice paying job very quickly. Now consider a poor person in this scenario. Chances are the poor person will stay poor. People are poor because they are not talented. Being able to mop floors or say “can i take your order please” is not a rare talent and thus accompanies poverty. Generally, rich people are rich because they have more innate talent and poor people are poor because they lack talent. Are there exceptions? Sure. Maybe a smart kid is poor and becomes depressed. But for every one of those depressed geniuses, another 4 or 5 rise out of poverty by meritocracy.</p>

<p>Social security and medicare/medicaid make the rest of society pay for the poor, driving up the tab. I blame the rocketing number of people who leech off of society by taking part in medicare, medicaid, and social security (if you pay a dollar, and get more than a dollar out of social security, you’re leeching). This accounts for much of our financial woes.</p>

<p>Secondly, the majority of us put him in office TWICE so we all need to show some respect for his oil war.</p>

<p>Yeah and how did the Bush economy work out…? </p>

<p>Oh yeah, we fell into a depression (recession my arse). </p>

<p>Oh and jason, there ARE no good paying jobs in Detroit. That’s because the only ones that exist are filled by the family and friends of the mayor. Welcome to Detroit. </p>



<p>No… he LOST the popular vote the first time. And we all know that the 2004 election was stolen. </p>

<p>Btw- I was a Bush supporter at the time, but you are WAY off base. </p>

<p>Nice ■■■■■■■■ though.</p>

<p>Everyone on College Confidential:
I reiterate my statement:
“I believe that Bush’s legacy will be as the president who didn’t deserve to be. He wasn’t necessarily the worst president, but the Iraq and Afghanistan War were uncalled for and Bush actually increased tensions between the Middle East and America. In addition, his NCLB Act and the USA Patriot Act were horrible, controversial decisions on his part. The NCLB Act doesn’t deserve to exist for obvious reasons, and the USA Patriot Act encourages stereotypes and racism. In my opinion, the USA Patriot Act seems more like FASCISM than “PATRIOTISM.” Moreover, Bush was not the reason for the Crash of '08 (or '07 depending on your financial outlook), but his actions just deepened the US into more and more debt.”</p>

<p>That’s just my opinion on the Bush Administration which uses both facts and my interpretation. I have no hatred towards former President Bush and I am sorry if anyone thought that Bush was the best president. It’s just your opinion and this is mine.</p>

<p>has ■■■■■■■■ become synonymous with going against peoples opinions?</p>

<p>that is dumb</p>

<p>^From my understanding of jasonInNy’s post, he supports wars for economical reasons. I decided to be generous and call him a ■■■■■.</p>