<p>I've always had a thing for Alakazam. How about you?</p>
<p>I always picked Squirtle when I was a kid. :)</p>
<p>Probably abra, ghastly, blastoise, natu, or feraligatr.</p>
<p>Mew is my favorite.</p>
<p>maybe flareon or eevee. i know someone named eevee. </p>
<p>i only know gen. 1 pokemon though, they seem to have gotten a little ridiculous lately…</p>
<p>Jiggly Puff and Charmander.</p>
or Groudon.</p>
<p>I like Roselia, Jumpluff, and Vileplume. I always loved Grass-type pokemons.</p>
<p>Eevee! ^_^</p>
<p>Anyone notice that like half the pokemon names are a play on words or puns of somesort? It’s pretty funny.</p>
<p>Yup…like Tyro?</p>
<p>YEAH! I agree hilsa, although I don’t get why they named Vileplume “Vileplume”. Vileplume isn’t vile to my opinion and plums are nice I guess.</p>
<p>AHHH Pikachu is irreplaceable. <em>To the left to the left…</em></p>
<p>Pikachu is definitely one of my favorites.</p>
<p>I always cry at the end of the first Pokemon movie when the dark Pikachu keeps smacking Ash’s Pikachu but he doesn’t fight back. And when Ash is turned to stone and Pikachu keeps zapping him and nothing happens (for a while). But then all the pokemon tears bring Ash back to life… and then I cry again!</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - Pokemon - The First Movie Part 7](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-YbYCYDT40]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-YbYCYDT40)</p>
<p>flareon and ninetales! I only know the original generation.</p>
<p>Zangoose…that slash was awesome…</p>
<p>The first generation is the only generation that counts.</p>
<p>It’s the generation that we would spend every morning TV watching.</p>
<p>It’s the generation that we would spend every free hour of our lives playing our gameboys to.</p>
<p>It’s the generation that we would all get hyped up about the free ancient holographic Mew cards.</p>
<p>It’s the first generation that we will remember forever.</p>
<p>hilsa- I totally agree about the movie! That was such a touching part.</p>
<p>And hmmm, I was always a Charmeleon type of person, but I also loved Pikachu. My dog acts just like Pikachu, it’s crazy.</p>