Who received their NHRP awards yet?!

<p>I was thrilled to get my letter in the mail today saying that I was an NHRP scholar :D</p>

<p>Congrats h00d!</p>

<p>My oldest got his mid Oct last year when he was a Senior. My younger kid just barely qualified and that is because the form stated that the school could submit a weighted GPA. I had to talk the school into using that one instead of the standard GPA. He took AP Calc and Physics last year as a junior and was only 15.</p>

<p>Wow, you must live really close to the Collegeboard HQ lol. I emailed them and they said that the letters were mailed out to schools and individuals on Friday morning from Reston, VA. So we shouldn’t have to cross our fingers and wait too much longer. =)</p>

<p>Thanks entomom!</p>

<p>Hank - Yep, I live in Maryland (= I was so excited, hopefully you get yours soon!</p>

<p>d00d. i w4nt my l3tt3r</p>



<p>I took AP Chemistry, AP Calc, AP US history as a junior and AP european history as a sophomore…
I don’t think age matters either. (if it did, then that would mean that you are able to handle 100 APs by age 40)</p>

<p>Age matters, and students peak before age 40. Only truly gifted five-year-olds can comprehend material that is basic for a fifteen-year-old.</p>

<p>Ds got his today. We’re in Texas.</p>

<p>MY DS in California got his letter today. Yea now if only he finishes his Ohio State application where they give money for NHRP.</p>

<p>just got my letter today; in MA</p>

<p>got mine in california! congrats y’all. we da best</p>

<p>Another Texas letter here!</p>

<p>I just got my letter earlier this afternoon! I live in CA, btw.</p>

<p>Congrats, All. My D received hers today as well. </p>

<p>ITSV, Ohio State also has National Buckeye (for out of state students) and The Morrill Scholar scholarships. If they still stack scholarships (they did when my son was admitted), the total package is close to a full ride. My son is now a junior there and loves it. Here’s the link for Morrill Scholar: [OSU</a> Office of Minority Affairs | Morrill Scholars Program](<a href=“http://oma.osu.edu/future-students/morrill-scholars-program/morrill-scholars-program/index.php]OSU”>http://oma.osu.edu/future-students/morrill-scholars-program/morrill-scholars-program/index.php)</p>

<p>They also have an all expense paid diversity trip. I don’t know if the deadline has passed, but you can check out this link: [OSU</a> Office of Minority Affairs | Overnight Visit Requirements](<a href=“http://oma.osu.edu/future-students/morrill-scholars-program/overnight-visit-requirements.php]OSU”>http://oma.osu.edu/future-students/morrill-scholars-program/overnight-visit-requirements.php)</p>

<p>I recommend OSU highly!</p>

<p>They don’t have my daughter’s major…otherwise, she would probably have applied, also.</p>

<p>Got my letter in the mail today in NJ!</p>

<p>got mine today too! yay Texas</p>

Thanks for the information on Ohio State’s paid overnight trip, I’m going to add it to our Diversity weekend thread. If you know of any other similar opportunities, please feel free to post it there.</p>

<p>My friend and I got ours today too! Arizona :)</p>

<p>Congratulations to all NHRP scholars! Those new to this forum, please check out the sticky thread at the top: Resources for Hispanic students. It provides links to lots of excellent information on diversity weekends and scholarships.</p>

<p>YES! Got mine, TX!</p>