Who should go to Quinnipiac?

Hi I’ve been accepted to quinnipiac, I really want to go here because I’ve heard they have a good health sciences programs and the school is just amazing, but im hispanic and I wanted to know if quinnipiac can be a good fit for me because I know quinnipiac is not that diverse but I want to hear comments if that changed or not. Thank you.

According to Forbes, they are 22% Non-white and about 8% Hispanic.

It is expensive, $42K tuition, can you afford it? or did you get a good FA package?

Hi, I am currently a senior at Quinnipiac University. 8% of our student population self-identifies as Hispanic. Our campus has certainly become more diverse in the years that I have been here, and there have been increased opportunities to promote and include more diverse activities on campus. Students on campus interact within their residential halls, organizations and in classes where they bring different experiences to the college experience. Our multicultural groups include Latino Cultural Society (LCS) that puts on events and promotes social and cultural issues that is open to everyone. Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with!