<p>Hi, I am currently a high school junior and I really want to go to art school. I am going to get a rec letter from my art teacher. The other rec letter I am not sure who to ask. I want to ask my math teacher, who I had freshman and sophomore year. Freshman year was awful and I almost failed his class. But then sophomore year, I worked really hard and got good grades and he really commended me on my improvement. My other choice for a recommendation is from a teacher whose class I have consistently done average/good in. What's better? Big improvement....or consistency?? Please respond soon as I will need to ask one of them tomorrow for a letter.</p>
<p>I’d go for big improvement. Surviving a tough challenge by hard work is a great life lesson and will improve your chances to succeed at any college.</p>
<p>I second greenwitch but Art schools don’t stress recommendations too much and all of the ones i applied to (with one exception) only required a single letter of recommendation. Regular universities however, usually require two.</p>
<p>I say if it’s going to enhance your application, then it sure won’t hurt. My D applied to schools where some required 1, some 2, so she had the same 2 teachers do a letter and had it sent to all of them. Made it easier for the teacher, and since both of them were good, it didn’t hurt. Also avoided problems with one not getting there for whatever reason.</p>