who wants to read my short extracurricular essay? i promise it's good!

<p>Anyone? I'm looking for positive and negative feedback, along with a rating of 1-10.</p>

<p>any takers?</p>

<p>If you do the same for me!</p>

<p>I'll do it</p>

<p>ill read, pm it</p>

<p>pm me, i'll do it.</p>

<p>i'll read it, message me</p>

<p>PM me, i'll give it a look</p>

<p>Be glad to help.</p>

<p>Sure, I'll take a look if you'd like. PM me :)</p>

<p>i'll read it :D
pm me</p>

<p>pm me~~ i'll tell u what i think about it</p>

<p>ill read it! will you read mine also??</p>

<p>I'll do it.</p>

<p>Sure, i'll read it.</p>

<p>i want to :]</p>

<p>We did a good trade for feedback on the large essay, so I wouldn't mind doing a trade for the EC essay with you, either. PM me if interested!</p>

<p>I'll read it for ya</p>

<p>I'll read if you don't mind. Fellow 09er though</p>


<p>ill read it. PM me!</p>