<p>I have a feeling that I'm going to. It's more like an expectation than a wish. A lot of my senior friends are applying just because the application is easy and the name is famous. </p>
<p>Are you applying just because you can or because you truly want to?</p>
<p>Maybe this: take the app fee and give it to a great local charity. Or let your PARENTS keep it and buy something else with it. Applying just because of it’s name is sheer vanity. I have interviewed for one of H’s peers for almost 20 years. We are inundated with apps from many kids w/not a snowball’s chance. My volunteer hours are precious – I’m really getting turned off to be frank.</p>
<p>Don’t give busy work to your teachers and GCs.</p>
<p>In large part I applied to H because of the fact that it’s Harvard.</p>
<p>I think some other schools might give me a slightly better education/might “fit” with me more but the prestige of going to Harvard can’t be denied.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t have wasted my time and parent’s money if I didn’t stand a chance though</p>
<p>I almost applied to Harvard (and a couple of other Ivy League schools) simply for the hell of it, so I could brag that I got in, etc.</p>
<p>And then I was like, why on Earth would I waste $40-60 per school just to do that when no one really cares? I knew I couldn’t afford to attend even if I got in (yes, even if the schools met 100% of my “need,” which was rated as much lower than it actually was) so I moved on with life and spent my money and energy on places I actually planned on attending realistically.</p>
<p>All you’re doing by applying to Harvard, if you don’t plan to go, is driving down their already ridiculous acceptance rate, cluttering admissions officers desk with extra work, and wasting interviewers’ time.</p>
<p>However, if what you meant by your question if there are a lot of people who apply to and actually want to attend Harvard simply because it’s Harvard – god, yes, I know of them. I used to tutor for the SAT and a lot of these kids wanted to go to Harvard (or Dartmouth, or Yale, or wherever) simply because they were Ivy League schools. I only had one kid who I could say actually wanted to go to Dartmouth because they knew something about it (and they were applying to small liberal arts colleges in general).</p>
<p>Well I agree with the ivy interviewer who posted above. However in my case, I am qualified for harvard, but I realize that there is almost zero chance of my getting in. In addition I prefer almost every other ivy to harvard. That said, if accepted, I would still love to go there, and I’m not giving extra work to my teachers, gcs, or the H admissions office. So if you are thinking like me, go for it. But if you research college board and are below the 25-50% range for everything, don’t waste your money or their time.</p>
<p>I thought about it. Then I realized, in the off chance that I do get it, I’m probably taking a spot from somebody who actually wants to go to Harvard. Morally, it’s quite reprehensible.</p>
<p>I am applying to one of the Ivies because of their massively good financial aid packages. On the other hand, I am choosing Yale because it’s the only Ivy I can stomach.</p>
<p>^I’ll admit that I’m not always as “into” Harvard as I am into some of the other colleges, but I’d still probably pick it over any other, if I had the choice. Given time, I’d probably end up liking it most anyway, if I really researched about the colleges in detail. :)</p>