<p>Share stats, thoughts, questions here! I'll post mine in a few hours.</p>
<p>Best of luck to everybody.</p>
<p>Share stats, thoughts, questions here! I'll post mine in a few hours.</p>
<p>Best of luck to everybody.</p>
<p>31 ACT
H.S. GPA: 3.3</p>
<p>College GPA: hoping for a 3.8 - 4.0</p>
<p>Recs: hopefully good.</p>
<p>Some minor work experience - camp counselor over the summer, waiter.</p>
<p>150 hours of volunteer service at Carnegie Hall.</p>
<p>Collegework: 21 Credits first semester, + orchestra, chamber music, writing music for university TV station and collaborating with the film department
20 - 22 credits 2nd semester.</p>
<p>Ah good luck Viola!</p>
<p>I’m applying for History in Cornell CAS, (junior-standing)
College GPA: 3.7</p>
<p>I would prefer to be vague but my big ECs are:
<p>I should have mentioned I am most likely applying for ILR, although I’ve been considering CAS as a possibility as well. I remember there being something on the website about primary/alternate admission for transfers as well?</p>
<p>Also, stupid question, but how do you edit posts? I know I’ve done it before… can’t for the life of me remember how.</p>
<p>I think you have some awesome ECs. I think you have a great shot :).</p>
<p>Unfortunatly, you can’t apply to both ILR and CAS. The primary/alternate admission offer is decided by them; if they think you may be a good candidate for another college, they will forward your application to that college(I would guess this rarely happens).</p>
<p>As for editing your old posts, there is an “edit” tab on the bottom-right of your post…</p>
<p>Thanks, zakaquel… my problem in HS was that I was too confident about my ECs and not too concerned with a crappy GPA. Oh well, I’m working hard to make up for it now.</p>
<p>Also, mine only says “Report Problem Post Reply”</p>
<p>Are you applying for fall 09? I know you applied for spring 09, I can’t remember if you made it though =</p>
<p>I was accepted :D</p>
<p>I think there may be a “time limit” to when you can edit your post? My old posts can’t be changed now.</p>
<p>Ahh I’m so excited/anxious. It’s actually time to apply soon!
SAT: 2130/1360
SATII: 660 WH 770 Lit
HS GPA: 3.52 UW, upward trend. had a bad soph yr and some bad grades 8th grade
9th - 3.6 UW
10th - 3.03 UW - got a D in an Art class whoops
11th - 3.65 UW
12th - 3.85 UW</p>
<p>8 AP Classes - two 3s, two 4s, four 5’s. rigorous courseload honors/advanced all that stuff</p>
<p>HS EC’s:
<p>HS Awards: High Honors in English, High Honors in Italian, DAR Good Citizen Award, some national Latin exam award </p>
<p>College: NYU freshman, Econ major
GPA: 3.8-3.9…depends how finals go
EC’s: Community Service Club (30 hrs 1st semester) Environmentalist Club, Undergraduate Law Society, Economics Club…no leadership positions since they go to upperclassmen
Applying to HumanEc for PAM…NY State resident if that helps
Essays should be strong, Reccs probably avg</p>
<p>I’m thinking of waiting till Spring '10 to apply since they’ll focus on HS less then</p>
<p>Jesus, star, that’s a pretty impressive resume. Best of luck, sounds like a good shot.</p>
<p>thanks, but I have a D on my HS transcript…not gonna do me any favors. I think I’ll explain it in the additional info session. I’m not sure if doing well 1 semester in college will get me in.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>After you make your posts you have a 20 minute window in which the option to edit appears…after 20 minutes you can no longer edit your post.</p>
<p>Oh, I see… thanks!</p>
<p>When should we start getting the rec’s from professors and write the apps??
Since the deadline is on march, does that mean we can’t get rec’s from the second semester prof’s??
Also, does the first semester grade count more than the second?
I’m currently enrolled in Univ of Illinois under college of eng. and take 14 credit and have 3.8 ish gpa.
I felt like the course i took weren’t rigorous enough so I’m planned out my 2nd sem to stand out with 18+ credit with higher gpa; just to show the admissions about my improvements.</p>
<p>I’m, all of sudden, freaking out that my 2nd semester grades and recs wont count.</p>
<p>please help me out</p>
<p>Kero, just curious, why do you want to leave UIUC engineering? In my opinion, Cornell and U of I are very comparable in UG engineering and U of I probably has the edge in graduate engineering. If you’re getting in-state tuition, I don’t see a point in leaving.</p>
<p>Heh, a fellow UIUCer hoping to transfer into Cornell, nice.</p>
<p>I’m in the same boat, only I’ve got several factors working against me. I’ve already switched undergraduate institutions once, my high school record is terrible (~2.0 GPA), and I have a C on my college transcripts from a logic class. </p>
<p>Nevertheless, I think that the ILR program would be a good fit for me. I have strong interests in law, political science, and economics, and I think that Cornell’s ILR best encompasses these interests at the undergrad level while still leading to viable career options after college.</p>
<p>kero - I think second-semester profs are acceptable, but chances are 1st semester ones will know you better…it’s your call I guess. </p>
<p>Is anyone else strongly considering Spring '10 instead of Fall '09? With Fall’09 Soph transfer, they only have 1 semester to go by. 1 semester is nothing - maybe 4 classes for 3-4 months! Sure they see Midterm reports, but that’s just ehhh. If I apply now, they’ll focus on HS a lot.</p>
<p>Going for PAM, I think AEM might give me a look if I’m rejected from PAM</p>
<p>HS: 96.5 unweighted GPA, ranked 5/460-ish
SATs: 2120/1480
SAT II’s: 790 US History, 720 Chem, 740 math II
AP’s: 5’s on BC Calc, Chem, US History, European History, World History, Environmental Science
EC’s - VP of Senior Class, co-founder of our schools equivalent of the Cameron Crazies (Duke’s basketball fans), FBLA</p>
<p>College - UVa, currently pre-commerce
GPA: 3.3 first sem., 3.72 second, estimating at least a 3.6 for this semester
EC’s: McIntire Investment Institute, RI, most likely will be working next semester (if that counts for anything)</p>
<p>I’m from NY and I’m looking to get out of UVa, I’m not feeling the culture here. I’d also like to be closer to home and pay lower tuition. Plus, UVa doesn’t really have an undergrad major for public policy, only a 5 year masters thing.</p>
<p>If anyone has any ideas for any good business/public policy schools in the northeast, let me know cause I’m still looking for some safeties to apply to.</p>
<p>Please Rate!!
Im applying for a Bio major in the CALS. Here is my stats.
I am ASian-american.</p>
<p>Current School: Harford COmmunity College</p>
General Chemistry 1: A
Computer Information System: B (WHAT THE HECK!!!)
English 101 Honors: A
Cal 1: A
Total GPA Average: 3.785 ~ 3.8</p>
<p>High school GPA: 93.875 rank: 29/~300</p>
<p>Extra Cirricular activites in High school and College:
3 years Varsity Tennis
Most Improved Varsity Tennis Player
3rd Place District Champion Mix Doubles
2 years JV Soccer
1 year Varsity Soccer
Relay for Life JHU
Relay for Life Perry Hall
Relay for Life North Baltimore County
N2Him Club
Math Club
NESBE (National Engineering society of Black Engineers)
Part-time Job
Principle Honors
National Honor Society
Threasurer of National Honor Society</p>
<p>If u need more info tell me</p>
<p>Hey guys, good luck…heres my info</p>
<p>Hi, I’m applying to the AEM program as a sophomore Fall '09, please let me know what you think</p>
<p>HS GPA: ~3.3-3.4 UW
COL GPA: 3.778 after first semester, my school is in the top 50 universities
SATs: 800CR, 640M, 700W
SAT IIs: 750MBio 660MII
AP: 5 in Bio, 4 in English and Calc AB, 3 in US Gov’t</p>
<p>Work experience: Oral history project assistant to a Lincoln U professor my senior year, and also a paid tutor </p>
High school:
Yearbook Club, Business Manager
Squash Club
Habitat for Humanity
Volunteer Tutoring
Did the BMW Sprint Triathlon the summer before college, training now to do that again and hopefully, eventually an Iron Man competition</p>
Habitat for Humanity
Squash Club
Investment Club</p>
<p>I went to the JHU CTY program and Vanderbilts PAVE program during my summers and interned at the NY chapter of the Emmy Awards one summer</p>
<p>My reasons for transferring is that I chose my school based on location and weather. My family is from that city and I love that city, and since I did not know what I wanted to study I figured I would go there. Now that I have narrowed my interests and want to study economics and finance and portuguese, Cornells AEM program best fits what I want to study, and location is no substitute for a stronger academic program.</p>
<p>What do you guys think?</p>
<p>EDIT: As far as awards go, I received Science Student of the Quarter, and a math science and tech award for the biology olympiad - our team had the highest aggregate national score. CollegeBoard AP Scholar with Honor, and I received a large merit-based scholarship at my university.</p>
<p>I think my weak points are a low high school GPA (did poorly sophomore year and second sem. senior year), few leadership positions in ECs, and slightly lower than “Cornell” average math scores, especially for the business program.</p>
<p>Applying to CAS.
HS GPA: Very poor, <2.5
ACT: Also poor, 27; although, I will be retaking in Feb.
College: ~3.9 GPA from Columbia GS
ECs: Tons of work experience. Most recently, I worked as a Financial Advisor with Morgan Stanley’s Global Wealth Management Group. Previous to that I worked for A.G. Edwards (now Wachovia Investments.) I also sat on the board of a small art museum, sat on the board of a business networking organization, and currently I am on the board of a community service organization here at Columbia-- I’ve also done miscellaneous volunteering, but nothing really worth mentioning.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone! I hope to see you all in the Fall.</p>