Who's applying from HS Class of 2017?

Both HC admittance and tuition scholarships are ‘automatic’, in terms that they are granted to any students WHO APPLY, who have the required stats. In other words, these are not competitive (limited #s admitted/granted) - ANY student who qualifies is admitted/granted, once they APPLY.

There is a very good thread already on this forum with a timeline, of sorts: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1784243-important-dates-for-entering-freshmen-and-future-applicants-p1.html (5th thread down from the top of this forum).

HC is separate from scholarship. You can receive a scholarship, but not be in HC.

@STEM2017 I just got off the phone with admissions and they told me to wait and submit the official transcript. If you find out something different, please let us know!

@jeepgirl Thanks for the info. I called repeatedly and couldn’t get through.

@2muchquan See above ^

@STEM2017 the first set of acceptances went out around 9/8 last year. I am hoping that our transcript doesn’t hold us up too much from that time frame.

@jeepgirl My son is taking ACT for the first time on Sept 10. Scores will go directly to UA. So I suspect he’ll hear something in mid October. Fingers crossed.

Same agenda for Ole Miss.

@STEM2017 gotcha! My DD is taking the ACT in Sept as well. We have the 31, just hoping for the magic 32:)

I just noted in another thread that the difference between a 31 and a 32 is a $35,896 point! Magic,indeed. Good luck!

You could check with the high school registrar to see if he/she might be able to mail an official transcript to UA. Registrars often work over the summer when the guidance counselors are on vacation and might be pleased to get some of the work load done while things are quiet.

@STEM2017 Transcript ordered through registrar’s office at HS today. Let’s see if they do a better job matching that up the app than they did test scores. :slight_smile:

@jeepgirl - I kept all my info from DS13 he applied on 8/3/12 and got his acceptance in the mail on 8/27/12. I am wondering if it takes longer now because so many more kids apply.

@2muchquan - They seemed pretty quick matching DS’s up. His transcript has his SS# on it though…

My DD’s Sat is up on her Naviance. SAT is not her test! She does a much better job with the ACT.

I just got a official transcript sealed and signed by the principal. I am going to put it in the snail mail tomorrow. Wish me luck

@Tgirlfriend Good luck! Save a seat for my son. :smiley:

Thank you. Seat will be saved!!! My S needs to learn to brag on himself a little more. Its time to fill out the scholarship information.

S applied a couple of days ago. I sent the ACT score report in the same day. Three days later it says his test scores are already received. Is that possible? I thought it would take much longer. Still have to get that transcript. The GCs will be back in their offices on 8/2 so I might just wait until then to send. We are visiting over Labor Day weekend. S is very interested after meeting with the local recruiter in June.

@STEM2017 , Thanks for laying out the steps. I have done all. I just didn’t know what had to be done for HC. Scholarship lists are done. Will just wait and see…thanks

Just found out our guidance counselor who we were counting on to write an excellent LOR for S was fired over the summer. He was just assigned someone who the school just hired. Ugh! No transcripts available either until August 8th. S was thinking about applying to CBHP although not certain since he has no leadership roles, so will need to rethink recommendations. Still an exciting time.

@pokerqueen You are not alone. Been hearing alot of unfortunate GC stories lately. My son’s GC is out for Summer break, fingers crossed that she comes back!

@pokerqueen - I would still approach the outgoing GC for a letter. There is no reason that it can’t still be written. He/She can be creative on the letterhead, or can write it as a former GC on plain paper, having known your student for x number of years, etc. If you do get a letter, be sure your student writes a thank-you letter back to the GC, and if you feel inclined, make their day by including a $5 gift card to Dunkin Donuts or similar. :wink:

Advice to exiting high school seniors - approach your teachers now, while you are still fresh in their minds, to obtain LOR. These can be used for upcoming scholarship apps, internship apps, job apps, etc. Great LOR are worth their weight in gold, and if they are in hand, they are extra useful (rather than having to go back and ask later).