<p>I just figured out how to create a thread! (I'm quite CC challenged ;) )
I'm so glad I discovered CC to calm me down through the multiple months of waiting. I was totally stressed and freaking out!! </p>
<p>Just wondering- who is as excited as I am that
a) admission waiting is finally over
b) can't wait for a new beginning in the fall!</p>
<p>Just post whatever you feel like! :)</p>
<p>Go Choate!
Where are y’all going this fall?</p>
<p>haha I actually only applied to day schools, I’m so confused on CC a lot. haha anyway I’m going to the Winsor School in the fall!</p>
<p>Sounds cool! I see “The Giver” book on the homepage…I had to read that, too. :p</p>
<p>haha didn’t we all? </p>
<p>the chaote homepage looks so cool! I’m looking at 25 great reasons to attend…all really valid! woah- it offers SEVEN languages!!! and like a bazillion different music programs! :eek: sounds amazing!</p>
<p>Ohmipancakes, yes, Choate’s art program was what wooed me over when I was scouting different schools! Glad you feel the same.</p>
<p>I just realized Winsor is a single-sex school. Wow, how interesting! </p>
<p>It’s awesome that Winsor has a connected curriculum!
I’m envious-I’ve always wanted to participate in such a seamless curriculum.</p>
<p>My parents(more my dad) are so nervous for me leaving that literally everytime I talk to them, my dad is like are you still sure about Hotchkiss we can pull enrollment anytime!
I feel bad because my friends ask me if I’m going to miss the school and I’m honest when I tell them no. I explain that I’ll miss them just not the school but I still feel bad. Either way I’m so excited about going I can’t for course enrollment forms and all the paperwork. It just lets me know school is getting closer :)</p>
<p>That’s fantastic, @confusedonhades! I just got a course “survey” from Choate, that asked us superficial, basic questions about our current classes. I can’t wait, either!</p>
<p>yeah I understand! I’m actually going to miss my school and of course my super-supportive friends, but I’m really really looking forward to it! And I feel bad saying that I’m absolutely leaving to everyone, but how can I say no? I want to go, and the school wanted me too! What more could I ask for?</p>
<p>I was so relieved when I sent in the enrollment contract! It makes everything feel so much more definite. I totally didn’t believe the acceptance letter at all! I was like- “there has to be some mistake- I wasn’t actually accepted!”
I’m really excited, but I’m going to miss my friends. I’m kind of at that in-between point between
. MUCH closer to
<p>Hey, did any of you receive any cool package when you sent in the enrollment contract?</p>
<p>…I muss check my mail tomorrow! :D</p>
<p>haha probably a good idea! I was hoping I would, but no such luck 
haha the acceptance was enough I guess :P</p>
<p>It most definitely was! </p>
<p>Man, I just read some of my posts, and I sound like a Victorian person.
I need to stop with the contrived vocabulary and queer phrasing…</p>
<p>Hotchkiss sent me a t-shirt with a postcard saying welcome bearcat. I thought the t-shirt was pretty cool the front said hotchkiss bearcats with a bearcat on it but the back was like a baseball jersey with superfan at the top and some random number. It looks better than it sounds :)</p>
<p>Hotchkiss really spent alot on the admitted students, not only the ones that enrolled. At the end of my revisit day, i was sorta expecting M&M’s due to their connection with the Mars family, but I also got a bag and sun glasses from them too. It was really hard making the chose not to enroll their after they were so nice.</p>
<p>ME! I am so excited for boarding school…I’m just worried a little since I’m coming as a sophomore.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t be worried! There are other future sophomores too! Besides, I would expect that they are really excited to have new kids!</p>
<p>I can just see this conversation playing out with me.</p>
<p>Someone else: You’ll be back to visit, right?
Me: No.</p>
<p>:D I actually love a lot of my teachers, so I probably would be back to visit, but not to see the kids! (They’re not the nicest.)</p>
<p>haha nice!
aww that’s sad that they aren’t the nicest people. Oh well, it’s their loss!
Personally, since I go to a really small school, I’m going to miss everyone! But come back to visit the school? Nuh-uh. Too much work to get into the school, find my friends, etc.
hahha :P</p>
<p>I’m probably going to be stuck at the same school for another year because I was waitlisted… there are some 230 kids in my grade alone… 700 in the whole school…</p>
<p>don’t give up hope! People are coming off the wait list everyday!!! I fairly certain You can come off anytime through August! It wouldn’t be crazy- it’s happened before!
Just curious- which school(s) did you apply to?</p>
<p>That’s like twice the size of my school, but mine is really, really, really small. You’ll get though if you have to . CCers are tough! </p>
<p>Please don’t give up hope!!!