Who's going to PURDUE?

<p>I like how this thread i like two years old.. but congrats on your decision on coming to Purdue. Boiler up!</p>

<p>99% Sure. I like purdue alot, but I'm debating whether i want to go to another school for political science.</p>

<p>right now aerospace engineering</p>

<p>Hi guys!
99% sure : )
Just received offer today! Biochemistry at college of agriculture!!!
I am a transfer student though.</p>

<p>By the way, does anyone know what's the difference of the biochemistry program in college of agriculture and in college of science?</p>

<p>I am a transfer student getting ready to apply for Spring 2010. What sort of GPAs is everyone getting in with.</p>

<p>Aerospace Engineering all the way baby. <em>puts on awesome Aviators</em> hahah =P</p>

<p>Anyone going to Krannert or know much about it? Originally though indust. mgt., but probably just mgt. or acctg. Liked my visit there but wondering how large classes really are in upper years and how many TA's or grad students teaching.</p>

<p>engineering, hopefully biomedical</p>


<p>otters...once you get to upper division ie jr/sr years, most of your classes will be taught by professors be it associate professors or full professors. your first few years will be large classes as they try to weed you out b/c many people don't make it into upper division</p>

<p>West Lafayette/Lafayette is a boring city. To be honest, there really is not much to do here and you really have to look around for stuff to do here with your friends.
The social aspects are quite big tho-- intramural sports, parties, greek life etc.,</p>

<p>Dude, enough with your whining. If you aren't overwhelmed with things to do on a campus of 40,000 people, you need take a long look in the mirror. Simply put, boring people are bored.</p>

I'm just giving my straight up perspective on things as a primary resource on this school. Your statement of "boring people are bored" is just a blatant generalization. I hold high offices and leadership in many parts of Purdue including ROTC, IFC (interfraternity council), member of a strong Fraternity house and leadership in a student council among MANY others. I'm sorry if I come off as negative, but then ignore me, don't censor me.</p>

<p>Maybe "you need take a long look in the mirror" and ask yourself why you would want to limit the discussion of the threads and why I shouldn't have the right to contribute....</p>

<p>I think it depends on what kind of lifestyle you come from and also what you deem as fun and entertaining. Some people don't need something going on a lot of the time and can just hangout in their room living off of intramural sports and the weekly party's. Others need clubs, bars, city life, etc. To each his own.</p>

<p>Going for civil eng. Woohoo!</p>

<p>yeah im transferring in this next semester going into journalism. and as far as you guys saying that its boring, i went to a small D3 school before this one, entire student population was 8k. We lived in the middle of no where. we were surrounded by corn fields and we found things to do, so i highly doubt you can be bored at purdue. every school i what you make of it.</p>

<p>transfer student, 100% sure (paid deposit)-engineering</p>

<p>How boring (or fun) Purdue is depends on you. It's what you make it out to be. If you make an effort to have fun you will have fun. If you don't, you still might have fun but it's not a guarantee.</p>

<p>The whole "Purdue is in the middle of corn fields" thing is accurate, but misleading. It implies that there is nothing to do and you'll be watching corn grow from your apartment or dorm window with a bunch similarly bored out of their mind students. This is not the case, there is something for everyone and by broadening your horizons a bit (i.e. try out new things) you will find that there is plenty to do.</p>

<p>Woooh. I’m attending!! I think…if my loan is approved. Purdue only gave me a small amount of money and if the loans they offered me are denied, I won’t be able to attend.</p>


<p>My major will be Animal Science.</p>