<p>go momosky!!
i second what momo said.
but let’s add to that shall we :)</p>
<p>ok im going to be super duper frank because of your last statement:
<p>the first step to success is wanting to change things around. Now that we ahve it covered, we identify hte problem:
- Is it you? Like do you not understand math of Econ?
- Is it your study habits? do you like Momosky said, browse facebook every ten minutes the day before the midterm?
- Is it the homework that you not understand. Like you get the concepts, but have trouble applying it to hw</p>
<p>now that we have those three down, let’s change it.
- You don’t understand the concepts. The best thing for you to do is 3 things [minimum, feel free to expand and add HELPFUL stuff

a) Study on your own for 1-2 hours [the more the better] per subject each day. now after you read a chapteror a section, do a general summary of it. So in econ, you read section 1.1, then you do a “3 most important things, what i learned, questions, etc”; for math, write out the examples they give you.
b) Tutoring is always available. I forgot the site, but it should be in your UCSD email somewhere. It’s a site for UCSD students only who offer tutoring services
c) Go talk to your prof. during office hours and ask questions in class. who cares if it makes you “look stupid” by asking a weird question. The point is you want to understand the material, so just [BEEP] all those who stand in your way 
To be successful in life, you need to take risks, in this case, asking questions. It might be hard, but once you get the hang of it, Parrrty!!</p>
<p>2) ok now maybe it’s your studying habits.
well you need to put in more time. What i believe is the ideal thing to do is study about a week in advance for midterms [and start about a month from the final] that way, you can slowly gain an overall concept of things before the final, and you wouldn’t have to stress yourself out the night before the the final.<br>
Now what are good study habits?
i find that talking to yourself is really important. I was just in the library studying for MMW midterm, and i was whispering to myself. I couldn’t care less who thought what about me. And i walked out of the MMW class, feeling like i did decently well. so talk to yourself. It might look/sound/feel weird, and a bunch of psychologist say that if you talk to yourself you are a sociopath , but they are idiots, so talk to yourself 
Also like Momo said, repetition, repeat / do the problems over until you get a firm understanding. For math, do the odd problems in the book so you can check it, and then try an even problem. this will let you know if you understand it or not. If you get the first problem wrong, do the odd problems again, and walk yourself through it.
I am doing this because of this, and so on so forth.
For econ, i can’t help you very much, except with saying review the main concepts and apply it to life. the human brain works wonders, and by applying something to something you are familiar with, you boost the “recalling”: feature of your brain :P</p>
<p>and finally if you are a no. 3:
3. Is it the homework that you not understand. Like you get the concepts, but have trouble applying it to hw
then talk to your TA, do the homework problems over and over again until you understand it. most teachers wont assign each and every problem, you you can go through and try the ones not assigned by yourself. if you don’t get it go to the prof or TA, they will surely help you :)</p>
<p>Oh and psychologically speaking, be positive and laugh and all that stuff, it works wonders as well ;D</p>
<p>if all else fails i could give a shot at explaining Math 10C [im in 20C so i think we are learning somewhat of the same stuff]]</p>
<p>wow i wrote a lot. this better help you 
**start studying for the final from NOW, it will honestly help you.</p>
<p>DISCLAIMER: I am a fellow freshman, so the advice you just read could change up your grades even more. I take no responsibility or credit for the A’s you will receive; it is your work, be bold, be proud, be strong!! :D</p>