Why am I "still pending"?

<p>I know I should have submitted my Candidate Questionnaire earlier, but for some reason I waited until the middle of August to try to build up my resume over summer. When I go on my candidate portal (which I do every day) it says "Initial Evaluation Pending" under the Overview tab. Do you think there is a problem with my file or does it always take this long? I have already applied for nomination but am worried that it won't even matter. Please tell me if you think this is normal or taking too long. Thanks</p>

<p>Have you already has your SAT/ACT scores sent in? If so, do you feel as though you are very competitive? There is one region (upper mid-west, I believe) that has been running behind. If your scores are in, I would contact your regional admissions representative to see if your application will be opening up.</p>

<p>I have sent all of my scores and I feel I am very competitive academically and at lest average with extracurriculars. I live in Ohio so I may be in the region that is behind. I just emailed my district coordinator and I hope he will have some answers. Thanks</p>

<p>I do believe Ohio is within the region that has been experiencing delays. I wouldn’t be surprised to see you application open up within a day or two of your email. Keep plugging along with the rest of your file and your nomination packet.</p>