Why aren't we allowed to take the booklet home?

<p>Is it for fear that we may disclose questions to later testers? I mean, I doubt they use the same booklet everywhere though...</p>

<p>1) They may reuse questions in the future. (Except for the three months that they offer Test Information Release).
2) There is no recourse to see if there was some modification of the answer sheet, compare mismatches, smudged/lost answer sheet, or investigate any cheating.
3) If they let you bring the booklet home, you could scan it. If you were on the East coast, and you started on time, someone on the West coast who has a test center that is always behind could get some nice extra time.
4) Students with accommodations are used as an experimental pool for the rest- that's why TIR is not offered on any dates for them if they don't have easy accommodations (larger text booklet and/or 1.5x time). The test is totally different for those who have other accommodations and regular students.</p>

<p>The test forms that aren't released are often reused in later years, not for the big main national tests, but for Sunday, accommodations, international, etc.</p>

<p>They don't experiment on kids with accommodations.</p>