Hi guys, I’m currently in my senior year. As you can guess I’m struggling with the college essays, especially the one and only “Why College X”. Do you have any suggestions for the general purpose of this essay?
hmmm… well, explain why you want to attend, why you want to study your choice of major there, why the location is perfect for you, etc. include how you’ll grow, contribute to the campus, and be delighted to be known as a(n) X student if given the opportunity. things like that!
“be delighted to be known as a(n) X student if given the opportunity” liked that idea!
Thank you
From an essay reader:
Research that college’s aspects you find most compelling. Your genuine enthusiasm will emerge from the details you are able to lavish with P-R-E-C-I-S-I-O-N.
Very important–write with minimum recourse to adjectives. Great! Exciting! Thrilling! Are all icky and sound like bs: I see that constantly, and it impresses no one that you are able to barf up advertising hyperbole.
Those who are superficially hung up on prestige betray that in cliché-ridden, overly general answers to that prompt.
So, for your own sake, be exacting, specific, and principled about what you like at X College.
Every school has a mission statement. Does your interest reflect the school’s mission? Also what courses excite you and why? Naming a certain course that is very specific to that college might show you actually did some research on that particular college.
Basically, you are saying why you chose this school X instead of other random schools out there, Why should they accept you?