I don’t think that Exeter is necessarily more “academically challenging” but I do think it is just a lot harder. Is it necessary to create well educated ,well balanced students? I dont think it is. It is very hard for students at Exeter to be in clubs and do extracurriculars because there is so much work. I was at revisit day–I spoke with a number of parents whose children were debating between schools (not just A and E) bit others. They were worried about the intensity.
So, I have had all these concerns about Exeter just being hard. However, I spoke to the dean of health and wellness and there are major changes coming. The schedule is going to be much similar to andover’s after next year. (It’s was supposed to be sooner but they had to shift focus with the scandal.) I was so impressed that they are bringing in learning services. To me that is a huge shift in mindset. They realize that are extremely bright kids who may learn differently and they bring important things to the table. I have one of these bright children with an LD at home, so that gave the school a special place in my heart on revisit day. SwimKid really enjoyed the kids that he met there. He also is really into Harkness. He thrives in a Socratic format. We have actually had to warn him about NOT being a Harkness warrior. SwimKid was in a slightly unique situation. He knows a LOT of kids (and adults) at Andover. We as parents also know a lot of faculty at Andover. There was an huge amount of peer pressure to attend PA. For him, Exeter was the road less traveled. Something unique from his friends and peers. It’s fresh and new to him. I commend him for making the decision he did. It most likely isn’t what I would have chosen. But then again, Andover was my dream for myself. I wasn’t allowed to apply. There is so much to love there. But again it wasn’t my choice to make. (Although I’m not sure where the heck to sit on E/A day. I have been cheering on blue for years!) Oh and Swimkid is a bow tie wearing, vineyard vines, preppy rah rah.
I actually like Exeter’s harkness method a lot (went there during the summer for a month) but I ended up choosing Andover as it had a better geographical location, believe it or not.
I got into both and will be attending Exeter. Seems a lot less ra-ra or preppy, just some great down-to-earth intelligent kids. They were reserved at my revisit, whereas Andover was almost bubbly (maybe?). The closer for me was their math program.