<p>I don't get this, if your home country offers free education why come to the states and pay for it ?</p>
<p>This applies to Western Europe only I guess.</p>
<p>I don't get this, if your home country offers free education why come to the states and pay for it ?</p>
<p>This applies to Western Europe only I guess.</p>
<p>To see the world, broaden our horizons, experience a different educational model… Also, going to college in the US is cheaper for me.</p>
<p>Because Harvard > Random French University.</p>
<p>Would they come to the US if they got into Cambridge, where they won’t pay as much?</p>
<p>While college is free in Germany, it’s a do-it-yourself sort of deal. </p>
<p>My former German university taught lectures which students might or might not have attended. (Sometimes the rooms weren’t big enough to hold all students. Then the lecture was videotaped and the video replayed for the other sections. A live lecturer was a treat and personal interactions with teaching staff unheard of.) At the end of the semester we had to pass a single test or assignment to get credit for the course. These were pretty straight forward, provided that we kept up with the course (which can be challenging without any tests or assignments along the way). </p>
<p>Whether or not we got a degree, and what grade we got it with, was determined by a set of cumulative exams at the end of our college career. Anything that a student in our major should have learned was fair game, whether or not it ever came up in our classes.</p>
<p>Doesn’t college in the US sound much more appealing?</p>
<p>Presumably for the same reasons why so many American students choose to go out-of-state.</p>
<p>barium - Thank you for the interesting piece of information / comparison. </p>
<p>Can you please be a bit more elaborate. Something like pros/cons of German universities vs US universities in your opinion would be so useful in the evaluation process. So, are there no periodic assessments/tests in the German universities? are the year end exams tough? If some one is not that motivated and “needs” lectures , which method would suit better - US univ or German univ?</p>
<p>thanks so much</p>