Why Do I Want to Transfer?

<p>I want to transfer from my current school, and the Common Ap. essay is about my reasons to transfer.</p>

<p>I want to write an essay that explains my reasons without insulting my current school...</p>

<p>Essay topics:
-Lack of academic challenge.
-Wanting to leave the city.
-Financial difficulties of living in the city.</p>

<p>Would the essay be more prone to being messy if I mix all my reasons instead of focusing on one, or more convincing?</p>

<p>I'll be applying to Bryn Mawr, Smith C, and MHC from Simmons, if this info is uselful...?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Write about what attracts you to your target schools.</p>

<p>Don’t talk about what is lacking at your current school.</p>

<p>Should I even mention my current school in the essay? I feel that if I do compare them, the other colleges will think I’m insulting my current school and I don’t think that would look good. </p>

<p>I want to kind-of let them know I want something better without insulting my current school…?</p>



<p>Exactly. </p>

<p>Take academic challenge, for example. To want a challenging environment is a perfectly good reason to transfer, and reveals something good about you. To add a critique of Simmons to that, though, adds nothing good about you, about what sort of presence you’d bring to campus, and it also adds nothing about why you want to go to Smith or MHC or Bryn Mawr.</p>

<p>I am also writing a transfer why essay, trying to apply for U Penn. Who can pls read it and give me some inputs?</p>