Why do so many students start having sex once they enter college?



<p>Who has sex in hallways? I’ve never seen it happen. I don’t see what is irresponsible about protected sex. And I don’t see why an intimate relationship (or friendship, lmao) should be in place beforehand.</p>

<p>What I mean is, a girl/boy that lives in close proximity to you, not actually in the physical hallway.</p>

<p>If you don’t see what’s wrong with even protected sex with an random individual then you are obviously not responsible or educated enough to have sex. </p>

<p>You should know the people you sleep with, it’s ****ing common sense. If you’re intimate with someone you know to have been tested then it’s less likely for you to pick up a disease, especially if both of you are honest about your past sexual history and who you are sleeping with.</p>

<p>I guess you’ll learn the hard way :)</p>

<p>Relationships usually move quicker in college. Because you’re on your own and don’t only see each other at school, don’t have to get parent’s permission, etc.</p>

<p>Alcohol quickens things up, I’m sure… but it just seems like a pretty good age.</p>

<p>I waited until the end of my freshman year in college. No alcohol involved. I wanted to do it. I never really thought about it in the past, but I’m in a serious relationship and I decided I was ready.</p>

<p>NO NO NO! Sex is a dirty, awful thing and you should save it for someone you love very much… </p>


<p>I agree with vechile. Slutty people usually don<code>t see anything wrong with their actions. It is trashy to do a random, sex should be between two people who care about each other on a deep personal level. If I did randoms I would personally feel like a whore and a piece of meat. To me it</code>s about the connection.</p>

<p>@Vehicle: You make it sound like EVERY college kid is having sex with random girls they meet in their dorm. There may be a small percent of idiots that do that, but I know a lot of college guys who have waited a few months into a relationship before taking the relationship to that level.</p>

<p>But whatever, everyone has their own opinion on things and everyone’s different. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself so whatever.</p>

<p>I was speaking specifically to the group that is less responsible about their sexual behavior. I’ve known quite a few college students (and adults) who choose to have one night stands every other weekend. Half of them that I know have herpes and possibly diseases they don’t know about.</p>

<p>Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of guys and girls that have waited in a relationship to engage in any type of sexual activity. I’m not downing on the fact that sex is immoral for college students, I’m just saying that they should be more responsible and careful about who they choose to sleep with.</p>

<p>[Study:</a> Children Exposed To Pornography May Expect Sex To Be Enjoyable | The Onion - America’s Finest News Source](<a href=“http://www.theonion.com/content/video/study_children_exposed_to?utm_source=a-section]Study:”>http://www.theonion.com/content/video/study_children_exposed_to?utm_source=a-section)</p>

<p>Tongue-in-cheek… so to speak.</p>

<p>I think sex is less of a Big Deal after you lose your virginity. I lost my virginity at the beginning of sophomore year in college, I was 18, and it was a HUGE deal. It was with someone I was in love with so I don’t regret it even though our relationship ended badly.
But, I don’t really care what other people do with their lives.
I have been with a f-buddy, casual dating partner, and people I was in a serious relationship with, and it’s really not particularly different either way. I’m just as careful with any of them, using condoms and on birth control. Plus if you are sexually active you need to be tested after every partner.
But sex is important to relationships so I don’t think you should like, wait for 2 years in before you do it. I would get so bored…</p>



<p>I could get into a car crash, but I still drive a car. That isn’t irresponsible, that’s not living life like a paranoid ****** bag. On that same note, there’s nothing wrong with having sex with mere acquaintances, or even random people, if you use protection.</p>



<p>lmao. Why should it only be between two people who care about each other on a deep level? Sex has a different significance and meaning for everyone.</p>

<p>You can choose to drive carelessly and you can choose to have careless sex, regardless of whether you are wearing a seat belt or a condom, your actions can prevent the outcome.</p>

<p>I’m not going to argue with you. If you want to be irresponsible and have sex with random people believing that protection will save you then be my guest. Maybe you’ll get HIV and thus remove yourself via Darwinism :)</p>

<p>Uhhhh not really. Even if you drive carefully, you can still die. I’m going to guess that you’re a virgin and will stay one until you die or get a hooker.</p>

<p>I don’t understand why some of you are fussing over STD’s - if you don’t want 'em, take the precautions but don’t get worked up over your hallmate having herpes. If you don’t want her herpes, don’t screw her. </p>

<p>Personally i couldn’t care less who other people are sleeping with, I only care who the person i’m sleeping with has slept with. I’m not really into casual dating/sex or whatever, but there’s nothing wrong with that.</p>

<p>Vehicle, you’ve mentioned a couple times you do fetish porn modeling for a living. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s funny to see this holier-than-thou attitude all of a sudden :slight_smile: Fetish porn modeling is a-ok but sex isn’t? :p</p>

<p>This thread is stupid. Everyone is going to have a different opinion, and they’re gonna think that people that have the opposite opinion are stupid. </p>

<p>I don’t really see what’s wrong with random OCCASIONAL hookups, but if you do it ALL the time, then I think that’s kind of stupid. People want different things, nothing wrong with that.</p>

<p>I prefer a home-cooked meal as much as anyone, but sometimes it’s late, I’m hungry with nothing at home and Taco Bell’s open.</p>

<p>Most people in college DON’T have STDs (save UCSB)</p>

<p>Can you please cite your evidence for this claim?</p>

<p>Self-respect. respect yourself and your bodies. I agree with Frank, it<code>s your life, do what you want, you</code>re the only one who has to live with the consequence. We<code>re all adults and old enough to know what</code>s right and wrong.</p>

<p>What I’m saying is the more careless you are, the more likely it is to have harsher consequences. Of course using protection is better then not and it’s not definite that you’ll never contract something even if you know the individuals you sleep with. I’m simply saying that it’s more likely to contract something being irresponsible then it is to be responsible. Sure, you may end up dying if you drive cautiously but your chances aren’t as great if you’re driving recklessly.</p>

<p>Vitaro, are you serious? Most people in college don’t have STD’s? Let me guess, they suddenly happen after college. Did you know it’s a national average that one in four teenage girls has an STD? Do you know how easy they are to spread? Did you know that over 50% of women do not show initial signs of having an STD? You must be very ignorant to assume that teenagers aren’t a large portion of those whom carry STD’s. Besides, not everyone is responsible enough to use condoms, especially if both parties are completely inebriated.</p>

<p>^ Talk about a stick in the mud…</p>

<p>The statistics don’t lie. I believe them. Heck, even in my high school, a fair number of people have STDs, and sometimes, they are quite serious. (We are talking about malignant bacterial growth in the anus and such.) I know of a thirteen year old kid who told me that he feared that he is HIV positive after having sex with an HIV-positive girl.</p>

<p>People are having sex younger and younger. I was mortified when that kid told me that he started having sex when he was eleven.</p>

<p>Personally, I am 17, going to college next fall, and I do not intend to have sex until I feel that I am ready. That may take just a few months, or even years, who knows.</p>

<p>And should that moment come, I will have a box of condoms on stand-by.</p>