Why do so many students start having sex once they enter college?

<p>Is it the abundance of alcohol, which drives the students' lack of judgment? Or is it something they've always wanted to do?</p>

<p>Alcohol plays a big role, but obviously it just speeds up the process. I’ve heard the average american teen loses their virginity at 17 or so, meaning half of people do before that and half after. </p>

<p>Women are most fertile at 16-18, this is the age we’re intended to reproduce, and men around 18-20 have reached their “sexual peak” as well. So we’re basically pretty horny from 16-25 because for millions of years, humans have been reproducing at this age and nature wants us to be fruitful and make babies :stuck_out_tongue: Our current social construct leads to us having kids much later than we’re intended to, like in our 30’s instead of late teens. </p>

<p>So stick thousands of 18-22 year olds together on a college campus, throw in some alcohol, and watch 'em go at each other like little bunnies :slight_smile: Why do you say lack of judgment? do you think sex before marriage is evil or something?</p>

<p>No, but if they went four years without doing it, i figured the likelihood of frequent drinking may be the issue</p>

<p>Maybe they’re so sexually repressed in high school, they just want to get it out in college.</p>

<p>there are more social opportunities in college in general,
when people live together they’re more likely to get close enough to each other to have sex</p>

<p>Well, I think a lot of people aren’t as horny at age 14 or so, or they feel they’re too young to do it…by 18, most teens feel they’re ready for sex. Plus like Steven said, a lot of people are repressed in HS, maybe cause of religion/their parents pressure, whereas in college you have all this freedom and booze. yeah, i’m sure drinking results in even more sex, but it would still be common for students to hookup without drinking.</p>

<p>Because they can</p>



<p>seriously, this.</p>

<p>I actually plan on majoring in Fornication.</p>

<p>“Because they can”
“seriously, this.”
agreed ;)</p>

<p>Because there are no parents.
Because there are no chiding adults, basically.</p>

<p>Yeah, but that doesn’t make it better.</p>

<p>I’d feel terrible about myself if I hooked up with someone randomly, seriously. :x</p>

<p>sex in college doesn’t have to be a random hookup.</p>

<li>no parents</li>
<li>they think there ready</li>
<li>alchohol and partying just makes them horny i guess</li>

<p>but i dont see the point in losing your virginity just for fun or before your marriage or with some random person !</p>



<p>no one on this board will make you see the point, but you probably just opened up a whole can of wank</p>

<p>lol not everyone is having wild crazy sex and losing their virginity to some “random” person. i think those that are having random sex usually arent virgins and are probly heavily fueled by alcohol. a few people even keep their bf/gf from hs.</p>

<p>i think therez a stigma associated with sex before you leave high school. if somebody hears high schoolers are having sex, unless theyre maybe 18, the general response tends to be “theyre too young” or something of that sort. society tends to frown upon it.</p>

<p>college, however, not only is after hs but also everyone (mostly) is 18+ then. so it becomes a step in a relationship, bc really in college the only ppl that frown upon sex are those that are wanting to be abstinent until marriage or w/e. the stigma of “theyre having sex already?!” is pretty much gone.</p>

<p>also yes, there are no parents to sneak around, only your roommates, which are a lot more understanding seeing as theyre usually in the same situation that you are.</p>

<p>btw, losing ur virginity is supposed to be fun, that would be the main reason that sex is so popular with us hedonistic college students ;-)</p>

<p>You have to have sex before you get married how else would you know if you are sexually compatible with your partner, that<code>s an important factor. I lost my virginity when I was 16, I don</code>t regret it. I would never just do some random guy, that`s somewhat gross if you think about it. Sex for just sex is nasty, sex because you genuinely like someone on a personal, deep level and not just physical attraction is fine.</p>



<p>because most people, including me, don’t see the point in not doing it.</p>




<p>College sex is rather disgusting and unsanitary. I’m sorry, but having sex with a random girl in your hallway is beyond trashy, even if there is alcohol involved. Not only do one our of four teenage girls possess an STD, many of them are still unaware of how to properly use birth control especially if both parties are drunk.</p>

<p>It just goes to show that college students are still irresponsible kids, even if they are out “on their own” and have some independent “responsibilities.”</p>

<p>I don’t believe abstaining until marriage is the moral choice either, but a close intimate relationship (even friendships) should be in place.</p>