Why do you love amherst?

<p>List all the reasons you love amherst <3 </p>

<p>and im really sorry to ask, but how does williams compare to amherst?</p>


<p>it’s one of those things that is hard to describe for me. I really like the close knit community and the people. Very intellectual stimulating people, but those people also like to party. Great classes and professors, beautiful area, close to the other 4 colleges in the area. A club for anything you might want or you can always start your own.</p>

<p>No core requirements.</p>


<p>The people, above all. being around so many people who are so smart, interesting, talented, and just plain fun. always having people around who are smarter than me and won’t hesitate to debate me when they think I’m wrong.</p>

<p>Academically: my classes, the professors, the great work-life balance, and the fact that I never have to take an English class again.</p>

<p>Socially: all the clubs I’m in, the 5 college consortium, and that no one ever charges you to get into a party.</p>

<p>Aesthetically: the view from memorial hill, the squirrels and the occasional hawk that hunts them, the fact that we have the world’s most efficient leaf removal team (seriously, no leaf is on the ground for five minutes before our leaf management gnomes have whisked it away to be turned into compost or pixie dust or whatever it is they do with them)</p>

<p>Summary: quite a few things, all told</p>

<p>Oh, a couple more:</p>

<p>Ridiculously nice dorms, getting nicer every year.</p>

<p>Tons of awesome food options in Amherst and Northampton, including lots of great sit-down ethnic restaurants, 2 different calzone delivery places, and Antonio’s which is a) the greatest pizza in the world, b) within easy walking distance from campus, and c) open really really late. I’m embarrassed I forgot to mention it in my first post.</p>