<p>Posters here frequently ask about top schools that are "laid back", "chill", "non-Greeky", friendly, have great campus life and enthusiastic students, and have admissions standards that are reasonably do-able. Why don't we see more threads about Carleton in MN? I realize that it's not near a coast, rural, and the winter weather scares some people, but the weather doesn't keep CCers from touting Williams and Middlebury.</p>
<p>The fact the typical CCer may not know Carleton does not mean it is not an excellent school. It has always been one of the top LACs. As you stated, its location may make it less popular than most other top LACs which are in the NE.</p>
<p>I think the midwest generally has a bad rap. We’d lived, studied and worked on both coasts and internationally, but aside from Houston and Chicago, had never visited the midwest: Visions of frozen tundra came to mind, along with endless industrial farms. Son is now at Grinnell, another untouted gem, and have discovered that there is more to love in that part of the world than we’d imagined. It’s actually quite lovely in the fall, no colder than the northeast, and people are less pretentious and self-aggrandizing (to stereotype broadly). In short, he loves it.</p>
<p>Three things that keep me from suggesting Carleton to many people are a) they say they don’t want cold weather, b) Carleton is need-aware and doesn’t necessarily have great FA, and c) Carleton has a rep for not liking to be treated as a safety by top candidates, yet its standards are sufficiently high that you have to be a top candidate to get in. So it’s hard to recommend as a match for a lot of kids. </p>
<p>My own kid applied to Carleton and I have a high opinion of the place.</p>
<p>Your first descriptor is all it takes (“not near a coast”). Even for prestige hounds, the vast majority of kids attend college within a day’s drive of home. Note, however, that Williams has a Greek-style culture, including strong focus on sports.</p>
<p>You just answered your own question.</p>
<p>All good answers. Relative “inaccessibility” (such as it is) may be a primary factor. The Northeast is loaded with schools that appear to be more “popular” than Carleton, but, IMO, part of their appeal is due to population density and relatively easier access. Great school, Carleton.</p>
<p>There tends to be a bias here and elsewhere that all the good LACs are in the Northeast, which leaves schools like Carleton, Oberlin, Reed, Pomona, etc. left out of many discussions, undeservedly so.</p>
<p>The fact that over the years I’ve heard Middlebury referred to as ‘home of the beautiful people’ and Carleton referred to as ‘home of the ugly people’ could have something to do with it.</p>
<p>Carleton - Supermodel: Oxymoron no more</p>
<p>[Colin</a> | Bravo TV Official Site](<a href=“http://www.bravotv.com/make-me-a-supermodel/bio/colin]Colin”>http://www.bravotv.com/make-me-a-supermodel/bio/colin)</p>
<p>“Colin spent much of his early years playing the role of nerd, including Captain of the Academic team. But in college his looks blossomed and he is still coming to terms with his new tall, dark, and handsome persona. Still a brainiac, Colin studies psychology and neuroscience at Carleton College, works with the neuroscience department at the University of Virginia over breaks, and plans to go to medical school.”</p>
<p>Because it’s cold in Minnesota! And the whole town smells like Malt-O-Meal!!!</p>
<p>Yes, but when Malt-O-Meal makes chocolate cereal, the town smells WONDERFUL!</p>
<p>They’re one of the schools that sends boatloads of mail that you don’t want…It’s not in a city…And MN is really cold!</p>
<p>Actually, I loved the Carleton mail. When I took it off my list originally, it popped back on in part because I was so attracted to the quirky feel of their mailings.</p>
<p>I love Carleton ^^</p>
<p>College Confidential’s audience is an extremely wealthy northeast suburban oriented crowd. Think Westchester County. Anything in the midwest is considered flyover country.</p>
<p>There might be a few students who chose Carleton because they want cold weather. There might even be a few who wanted to attend college in Northfield, MN (home of “cows, colleges, and contentment”). But most attend Carleton because they get an outstanding education with other students who are just as eager to learn in a non-competitive environment. Where they feel free to explore interests and express themselves in unique ways.</p>
<p>Keilexandra - Really? I hated getting so much mail from them! At first it was like cool…Then I found it obnoxious, especially since they don’t offer my major and I was getting more from them than anywhere else!</p>