Why I Chose UArts

<p>Thank you for all the helpful info. My son is a Senior in HS and we did visit UofArts this summer and were very impressed by the curriculum and opportunity to dabble in many different things. His background is mostly in Musical Theater however he has chosen to go into the Directing route. He is very focused and driven and will find his way no matter the path he chooses, however, as his Mom, I definitely want to be able to help stear him in the right direction. </p>

<p>To be perfectly honest, I had eliminated UofArts because I didn’t feel safe in the city and I happen to be a Southern California gal. It has eased my mind greatly hearing from other parents who felt that Philly was an excellent choice with lots of opportunities.</p>

<p>Does anyone happen to know anything about their BFA in Directing program?</p>

<p>Well, an odd story. D went for her audition last year and the acting auditors referred her to the directing people, because of her resume and interview. She LOVED the directing interview, had a wonderful conversation, and they seemed to love her and urged her to put a portfolio together and apply. Then she went to her callback audition at which everything felt wrong, and she didn’t get in for acting. Meanwhile though she nearly changed course and applied for directing because these guys were so smart and energetic and she felt like it would be amazing to work with them. They were talking about how as a senior she would direct a mainstage show etc. and she was swooning. There was A LOT to like about U Arts including the great Philly location. FWIW!</p>

<p>CADirectorMom, do not for a moment be concerned about the safety of UArts location. My office is literally 1 block north of the Terra Building on Broad St and my daughter has lived in close proximity to the Terra building year round since she commenced her freshman year in August 2007. UArts is in the heart of the city’s business and performing arts district. During the day, the streets are teeming with students, business people, professionals, office workers and visitors to the city. At night, the streets are filled with a broad variety of people out enjoying plethora of restaurants, night spots and performing arts venues surrounding the “campus”. As long as students practice some basic common sense “city smarts”, UArts and its environs are perfectly safe. My daughter and her friends have enjoyed all the city has to offer without reservation. My wife and I routinely spend evenings similarly availing ourselves of the broad variety of activities that are available.</p>

<p>As to the directing program, it has a very hands on approach. From early on in the program, students are regularly directing scenes, 1 Acts, student productions and ultimately black box and even main stage shows. There are also many internship opportunities with local professional theatres. And for those who want to do so, there is also an available minor in MT.</p>

<p>Michael, you always make ME want to attend UArts! :0)</p>

<p>Thanks MichaelnKat for the info. You have absolutely put my mind at ease and I do feel a lot better. My son really was impressed with UArts and loved the fact that he could continue performing while on the Directing track.</p>

<p>There is a wealth of information about MT on this forum, but not so much for Directing. I’m continuing to scour these boards for info!</p>

<p>Could someone please explain how rolling admissions meshes with auditions?</p>

<p>Once the audition is held, for those that UArts clearly wants or clearly does not want, letters come out about 2 weeks after the audition provided all the other application materials are in. For those that fall in between but are still in contention, notices will come out towards the end of the audition cycle. Or at least that’s the way it was at the time my daughter graduated in May 2011.</p>

@MichaelNKat - would you mind sharing how your D has done in the industry since graduation?

momma2four, I sent you a PM.

@MichaelNKat‌ I just got accepted to U of Arts for MT, would you mind sharing how your D has done in the industry since she graduated with me too? Thank you so much!!!

Jewel15, I will send you a PM. Stay tuned.

@MichaelNKat‌ My daughter was accepted to U of Arts for MT, I too would love any information you could share about the training, and success after graduation.

@MichaelNKat I was also accepted to UArts for MT. Would you mind PMing me and sharing any helpful information? Thank you so much!

@MichaelNKat …add me to the list that would like to hear how your D has done since graduation. We live in NJ not too far from UArts, I think my daughter overlooks it as an option because it is so close to home…but I want her to look at it for the training and results, not just proximity to her hometown. She really wants to be in NYC (or Florida?) but I just want her to have options and not overlook this. Thanks in advance!!!

@DVCmember, if you go to this thread on the main MT page, I posted a detailed comment on what my daughter is doing now.
