Why isn't Honors Admission Rolling as well?

DD2 was admitted in December, got the Gold National merit scholarship a week or two ago, and is interested enough that we’re scheduling a visit during her spring break in March. We’re OOS. It is odd that Honors says they wait until late March to notify applicants of admissions. I think honors will be key to whether UM makes her very short list, as it is one of the ways to ameliorate the downsides of attending such a large school that is not just focused on undergraduates - large classes and sections taught by TAs.

I’m interested in hearing if others have heard back earlier from Honors than the end of March.

My son was offered honors about three weeks after he was admitted (in November). I’m not sure if all colleges at UMN work the same way, but it seems like admission into honors is similar to admissions in general–rolling, but sometimes delayed for reasons unknown to most of us. :slight_smile:

Hmmm I’m very curious as well. I have literally been checking every day, but the little addition of the honors below the general acceptance letter has not been added and it’s kind of worrying me tbh.