Why pot should be legal

<p>I used to think, pot doesn't increase productivity.
Then I thought, neither does alcohol.
But alcohol makes people happy and you only become ridiculous after a lot.
Same with marijuana, except you don't throw up or feel drunk.
Well what do I know, I only smoked once and barely felt nothing.</p>

<p>But yeah, lots of pot=bad I guess but so is lots of booze, and booze in a little is good, so pot, which is safer, should be legal. </p>

<li>boss man</li>

<p>booty .</p>

<p>If I'm smoking pot in front of you, your health is affected, but not if I'm drinking in front of you.</p>

<p>If people are smoking cigarettes in front of me, my health is affected.</p>

<p>It hasn't killed anyone in Amsterdam yet. That I've chosen to notice.</p>

<p>so should raping, killing, stealing etc. etc. etc.</p>

<p>One puff of smoke isn't going to harm you. Neither is a few dips in the pool. Perpetual dips into that chlorine+urine infested cess pool will eventually blind you if you do it that much and I suppose you can clog your lungs up if your roommate smokes 24/7 for years with you.</p>

<p>Who gets hurt when someone gets raped, killed, or stolen from? Yep, someone else.</p>

<p>Who gets hurt when people get loose, tipsy, giggity, or high?</p>

<p>Yeah, and weren't the Beatles, aka origin of Pop, inspired by pot? We need to bring back that inspirational stuff back.
Don't forget DNA Helix discovery was under influence of LSD.</p>

<p>All of these gangs, relying on an underground operations for something so peaceful and so many people in jail for a pretty flower.</p>

<p>It's blasphemy I say!</p>

<p>only reason it's illegal is they haven't found a way to tax it well.</p>

<p>look at CA with med. marijuana. you can walk into a store, pick out what you want, pay for it(cheaper than street prices mind you, for much better buds), leave. no gangs, no one gets hurt.</p>

<p>and yeah, people who are against legalization, and have no real reasons, are going to use a continuum fallacy saying once weed is legal, soon it'll be coke, meth, heroin, rape, murder...will follow. lets try and stay in reality, even just a little bit...</p>

<p>the fact is that that IS reality. your little dreamy world where nothing will happen doesn't exist.</p>

<p>if it was made legal, many many more people would try it (and get addicted to it) and maybe lose everything they own to get a few more puffs or something.</p>

<p>sure one puff isn't going to harm you [much], but can you really control yourself not to do more? Will you control yourself not to do more?</p>

<p>marijuana causes NO physical addiction...so saying it will be like meth addicts who will do anything to get there next fix is false.</p>

<p>u§ername, have you ever tried any of this stuff?</p>

<p>You hear about heroin, crack, alcoholic rehabs, rarely pot rehabs.</p>

<p>sure one puff isn't going to harm you [much], but can you really control yourself not to do more? Will you control yourself not to do more?</p>

<p>How is this different from alcohol? Personal choice. Besides, you can't OD on pot, you don't throw up,</p>

<p>It's true that it causes no addiction but repeated use definitely has negative psychological effects. By psychological effects I mean the "slacker" mentality (a general decrease in memory, focus, and motivation/ability to get work done). Pot doesn't make you dumber, but it sure as hell doesn't make you more productive. I don't think these effects are caused by the marijuana alone, though. That's why I don't "blame" marijuana for users' problems or consider it worthy of prohibition. The type of person who uses it repeatedly is probably more prone to having these psychological tendencies in the first place. The marijuana exacerbates the problem, but various other substances and behaviors other than marijuana could play this role in the person's life.</p>

<p>I definitely don't believe pot has negative physical effects (other than the harms that go along with smoking anything) but that's not really relevant. The psychological effects of any substance are in my opinion much more significant. Because pot and many other drugs, too, in small doses, won't cause physical harm, a lot of people assume that they cause no harm at all, which is a false and rather dangerous mindset.</p>

<p>independ of if someone agrees with what you say or not, the same can be said for alcohol</p>

<p>Yeah, to me, alcohol and pot are comparable. Plus, it's illegal for me to use either!</p>

u§ername, have you ever tried any of this stuff?


<p>i'm glad i haven't. </p>

<p>i don't support alcohol either. don't get me wrong. i'm not just against pot. i'm against all of those expensive crap that hurts your (and other) people's bodies.</p>

<p>I would argue with username, but I can't summon enough energy from my pot-ravaged, emaciated, and weakened body. Hah.</p>

<p>on the other hand, I don't really care because:</p>

<li>It will in no way affect me</li>
<li>I can't affect it no matter how strongly I feel either way</li>
<li>I don't want to spend energy arguing.</li>

<p>Why are you glad you haven't? Did the establishment tell you it's no good for you?</p>

<p>If it were good for you, from ANY source, research at all, that would be spread around like wildfire. CRAZILY spread.</p>

<p>Therefore I can safely say that it does not improve your health.</p>

<p>And since it does not improve your health, even assuming it doesn't hurt your body AT ALL, why would I waste money to do it? And since there are no proof that it doesn't hurt your body, I'm not willing to take the chance.</p>

<p>"lose everything they own to get a few more puffs or something."</p>

<p>Please be trolling.</p>

<p>My English teacher last year told us that a wealthy man, the name escapes me at the moment forgive me, had a lot of hemp grown. He had a large estate where most of it had hemp being grown. He wanted to sell his hemp and didn't want people burning it and smoking it up instead. He owned a lot of the media and thus published many "scientific" foundings stating that marijuana makes colored people look and get attracted to white women. Thus, marijuana became illegal and he was able to make more money.</p>

<p>This was while we were reading The Grapes of Wrath. The name is something like Hertz or the guy that owned a gazillion acres.</p>