Why the love for SDSU?

Interesting. HOw many kids live on campus vs commuting/suit-casing.

You can check the common dataset for each school under F1 student life to see how many students live on- campus vs off-campus vs commute

SDSU has a 2 year on-campus living requirement for all Freshman/Sophomores outside the local area. Also many students that move off campus live within a few miles of campus so it has a more Residential feel.


One thing that I am hearing these days is that both UCR and UC Merced are doing a really nice job supporting first-generation students. Seems like they have very intentionally developed support systems, which is great! As for SDSU, all I know is that students from our large public high school in Northern California seem to LOVE it. Friendly, D1 sports to root for, gorgeous campus and good housing options. I don’t know how the academic experience has been for them thus far because that’s not really the kind of thing that gets reported back, but based on what she has heard it’s definitely one of the top options among the acceptances my daughter has in hand.

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It wasn’t as much an on campus/off campus thing, as that they were a) poor, so without the money for lots of social things at weekends and b) from close knit, relatively local, families. Both were very different at SDSU.

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Common data set section F1 should indicate percentage of frosh living in the dorms (a reasonable proxy for residential students in most cases; percentage of all undergraduates living in the dorms is less of an indicator, since many residential students live nearby off campus). Avoid using common data sets from COVID-19 affected years for this purpose.

However, that does not tell you how many of the residential students tend to have “suitcase” patterns (leaving campus for the weekend).

Mostly the weather. But if you want to hear something positive about UCR, it does have a medical school and maybe pre-med students can get whatever extra curriculars/volunteering that med schools look for right on campus.

SDSU alum from the early 90’s here. SDSU is a blast! Great campus, close to beach, near perfect weather, party school vibe with big sports… not much to dislike. I can see why students would choose it over UC Riverside and Merced.


My dd is currently a freshman at SDSU and couldn’t be happier. SDSU was not her first choice, she ended up in a triple in her least desired dorm, but she still says that she couldn’t see herself anywhere else. The feedback she’s given is that she loves that there is always something to do, she also says that for the most part everyone is so friendly and seems genuinely happy to meet you. I think the common theme that students seem very happy there is true. Also, the acceptance rate is much lower than either UCR or UCM so my guess is your student will be surrounded by motivated kids.


Have you been to San Diego ?

Other than maybe Naples Florida, it’s the closest thing to paradise in the continental 48.

I grew up in San Diego and dream I can one day return.

You might as well spend your four years in paradise vs smog or a hot valley.


Just read the previous posts that say the same. Yes it’s not the beach and El Cajon Blvd if I remember the street wasn’t nice but it’s close enough to nice areas.

When you say you don’t mean to belittle SDSU - well that’s what you did :). It may not be right for your kid. It may or may not be better than the others you mention. That’s kid dependent. But a gazillion kids every day choose schools that are not the most prestigious they got into - both mine did so.

And I’m making the assumption that you are assuming any UC Trumps a CSU school.

Perceived perception, does not IMHO, make a school better. Different kids seek different environments with the hope of finding one that best suits them.


It’s not that simple. UCR and UCM are higher ranked institutsion by a lot (90’s vs 150 for SDSU). I think the key differnce is that UCM/UCR don’t have a home area and SDSU does. So lots of people out of area who apply get rejected from SDSU.

Really? What a silly thing to say. All these kids are motivated. That’s why they are throwing their hat in the ring. This whole thread is :face_with_raised_eyebrow: No wonder kids these days are so stressed.

Oh, so US News has decided which is better ?


Look at their metrics.

Hopefully you can come up with better reasons than bcuz a subscription svc trying to make money deemed it so.

If these are all options, go visit.

If the student is happiest at one, they’ll likely perform better academically.

That - and a strong MCAT - are the beginning of what’s needed. School name is not.

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All I can say is that SDSU is not an easy admit and you do need to be a motivated student. I do believe there are levels of motivated, this from my own experience, my younger child is not nearly as motivated a student as my daughter, their chance of getting into SDSU is slim yet they will likely end up at a school which is ranked higher on US News, fwiw.

SDSU is fun, big, has sports, and is in San Diego. Kids want the whole experience, not just academics. My kid got into some higher ranked/more prestigious schools, but can’t wait to go to SDSU, and I’m thrilled with the price!


For sure it gets hot, just not as hot as Riverside. And San Diego is a lot prettier and more fun.


I know of several San Diego physicians who loved their experiences and preparation, for med school, via SDSU. (One of my friends who interviewed for med schools, stayed with colleagues of the pre-health advising staff and was given interview suits when she realized she didn’t have the budget for her suits.)
My former students love the level of activism by the students in all of the activities.

The basketball team is currently nationally ranked at #18 and the students are enthralled by all of the cohesiveness. A new stadium has built been built. The Trolley (trains) has a stop at Aztec Center-so students can use it to park at another stop and not have to park on campus.

They constantly have concerts with famous artists, and plays, art exhibitions, a nationally ranked business school, and strong-exceptional nursing program. Their alumni connections for jobs, internships, and grad school, are strong.

Since you only seem to want your daughter at a UC, then that’s where she’ll probably end up. There’s no love lost if she doesn’t go to SDSU.
Students are very happy at SDSU and every recent graduate, whom I’ve spoken to, loves that they had a great experience there.
Life is too short to spend 4 years at a place where you are not enjoying your time there.


Well USC, UCLA and Cal are very top level prestigious. They’re not in the same league as UCR or SDSU. You’d make allowances for being in a sketchy neighborhood for USC or Cal. (UCLA is in an expensive part of LA). I don’t think those 3 schools are competing for the same kids as Riverside or SDSU.

beaches-n-beer is the answer. SDSU trumps all but UCSB in those categories! ; )


We looked at these schools and chose SDSU over the others. SDSU’s acceptance rate is in the 30’s, so it’s not easy to get admitted. Merced accepts almost every applicant and Riverside had a 68% acceptance rate this past year, and for whatever reason is still looked at by CA students as the last resort because they didn’t get into the other UC’s. Personally, I really like the campus at UC Riverside. Outside the campus isn’t great, and people complain there isn’t anything to do there. I also don’t know anyone excited about the city of Riverside. It will never be San Diego, which is one of the most sought after places in the country, and there’s a lot more to do outside of the campus. It’s also 15 minutes from the beach. Ultimately, I think it’s where the person will be happiest that matters. One campus is peaceful, and the other is in a big city. Good luck on your decision.


But UCLA & USC are in a large city and have a beach/ concerts close by.
And I’ll add having D1 sports, which has been so much fun for my D. Especially the past 3 months of basketball! #MWChamps There are also big name indoor & out door concerts, right on campus.
My D had a choice of UCSD, UCI & LMU, USF in CA. The gorgeous campus, sports, size, weather and they had her major, were all a big part of why she chose SDSU.

The only downside, has been the over enrollment last year. Living conditions in the dorms are less than ideal. But they deal, the dorms are nice, just very tight.