<p>This might seem a little random, but I was wondering why you guys choseto apply to the Naval Academy? I just wantedto hear from real people why people choose to go to service academis.
<p>Well, first and foremost, I’m choosing to apply to the Naval Academy because I want to join the Navy. Even if I didn’t get into the Academy or receive an NROTC scholarship I would just jump right into the Navy as a regular seaman. Secondly, graduating - or even just being accepted - into USNA is incredibly prestigious. With it comes a sense of honor and pride that is difficult to gain anywhere else. I think another thing that really turned me onto the Academy is that after graduation, I am directly admitted into the Navy as an officer without having to do OCS, and the probability of getting the assignment I want is about 90%. The fact that everyone has to do sports is something I really like, the camaraderie and team spirit of course, and the added bonus is… YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY FOR ANY OF IT! Well, at least not really. You actually get paid an allowance which is really cool. Oh and also, I’m a girl who likes to show boys that I can do everything they can do, and be better at it, so that’s an added motivation (:</p>
<p>I hope this helped you understand my logic. I’m sure many other candidates would agree with my reasons. Sorry this turned into a book; I’m going to stop typing now.</p>
<p>Most probably do it because they wanna maime, mutilate and murder folks. Girls trying to catch a man.:eek: Great way to see the world free.
For USNA and USMA students, they get into the Army-Navy football game free with prime seats. (GO NAVY! Beat Army!)
SA grads have the coolest class rings and are called “ring-knockers.”
<p>And if you believe these? Then probably not a good option for you.</p>
<p>Most do so because they come from families where military service is one of the most noble avenues of service above self. The SAs provide extraordinary academic and professional educations. Military service is for many, an attractive career option. The student bodies are by law, very diverse. They offer many major areas of study. They provide a unique means of funding higher education, i.e. 8 years (minimally) of required service of which at least 5 will be on full-time, active duty to sort of “repay” the cost of educating students. SA grads have exceptional advantage over civilian college graduates when competing for civilian jobs. These are a few of the realities.</p>
<p>Thanks you guys! These are really great answers.</p>