"Why Transfer" Essay

<p>Just a quick question about the "Why Transfer" Essay: Is it bad to be harsh on your current school? Do you want to give a softer image or should you really push the point?</p>

<p>You don’t want to bash your current school. Like instead of saying that you don’t like your school because you feel that the classes are overcrowded, you should say something along the lines of…I want a smaller, more cohesive student body with a lower Student/Teacher ratio for a more intimate educational experience and bs like that. </p>

<p>So basically don’t be negative and say that you don’t like X, but rather, be positive and say that you’re looking for Y in a potential transfer school. I hope that makes sense.</p>

<p>Yeah, in speaking to transfer counselors from a few different schools they all stressed that I don’t go off on how much I hated my first school. You can definitely say that it wasn’t the right fit for you, but do so respectfully and make sure that the focus of your essay is more on why transferring into their school is right for you.</p>

<p>Basically focus less on your current school and more on how the school you want to transfer to has certain qualities that you see as integral to a good education/holistic learning process/etc</p>

<p>if you bash your current school, it will make it sound as if the main reason for your transferring is because you dislike your current school, not because you particularly like the school you are applying to…which is never a good thing</p>

<p>How would you phrase that your institution is acamdemically lacking?</p>

<p>I don’t know if I would say that because most admissions officers, will agree with simply “academics” do not separate their school from the rest. If you want to focus on a specific major, that is better. But saying “oh I did not like the lack of intellectualism” sounds silly because a truly good student can make their own Harvard where ever they go ( for the most part).</p>

<p>why if the essay question is “why is yout current school not meeting you need”? dont you think i should just frankly say what I dont like about the current school instead of praising the one i apply to?</p>

<p>You can say it; but from what I interpreted, I felt as though you were going to spend a lot of time talking about that. You should say what was wrong/missing at your current institution-- but the meat of the essay should focus on what you see in the school you are applying to</p>