Why would anyone dare go to college right now in this environment?

<p>This country is about to head into a depression. Unemployment is at 9.4, but when you add in the under employed and factor in other things, it's more like 14-15 percent.</p>

<p>The country is dead broke, and is declining in all sectors. I see people on here talking about 30,000 a year loans there taking out and I just shake my head. These kids have no idea what there in for. This is not the time when you want to saddle yourself in debt, worst time ever actually.</p>

<p>I went to tech school and learned software development, completed that in 2 years. Tuition was 100 bucks a credit, and I qualified to have my tuition paid for through FAFSA. That is one of the few sectors where there are still opportunities and I was able to find a pretty decent job with growth potential.</p>

<p>That is the way to go now in this society, unless your some genius going to a top school on a full ride.</p>

<p>For the vast majority of you though that have to pay these ludicrous amounts of money for worthless majors like English, Sociology, etc I would recommend you reconsider. You can live without the "college experience".</p>

<p>nows a good time to spend time in college, rather than trying to get jobs that they arnt are, and then in 4 years you’d have a better chacne of getting a job…</p>

<p>and hopefully things will turn around in 5 years or so…</p>

<p>smart people move to america, we’re smart, we’ll come out of it like we always do.</p>

<p>IF you arnt taking on massive amounts of debt like the majority of students today are. we are moving to an age now where carrying debt is no longer an option to have a worthwhile quality of life and to thrive.</p>

<p>These kids paying 20k a year for student loans, going to see that 80 grand at geaduation and go oh ****. They have no idea what the numbers mean, they don think long term.</p>



<p>Rather than injecting your garbage doomsday crap and telling people what to do, you should mind your own business.</p>


For the vast majority of you though that have to pay these ludicrous amounts of money for worthless majors like English, Sociology, etc I would recommend you reconsider.


<p>A few famous people with Sociology degrees:
Michelle Obama
Martin Luther King
Jesse Jackson
Ronald Reagan
Robin Williams</p>

<p>A few famous people with English degrees:
Steven Spielberg
Oprah (Speech Major)
Michael Eisner - CEO of Disney
Sally Ride - First female astronaut in Space
Hugh Grant

<p>theremix does have a [very] valid point. I mean, there are many kids who are taking on an extraordinary amount of debt to get a degree that won’t really increase their earning potential significantly at a not so special school. You could definitely go to a vocational school and be outearning the vast majority of students who went the more traditional route for the college life and didn’t get a lucrative degree. I agree with diontechristmas only in the sense that his title was pretty doomsday and not even reflective of the OP’s post. I dont agree with diontechristmas on the “mind your own business” part, I think the point of CC is to give advice and people can be smart enough to decide whether or not to use it.</p>

<p>You forgot psychology and math, fool.</p>

<p>Loans = no good, agreed. But colleges certainly still need those rich sociology majors who pay full dollar. But yes, ENOUGH WITH DEBT! Lower income achievers should either do honors at a cheap college or get scholarships through good marks - the latter doesn’t really help these institutions out financially, but balances socioeconomic diversity!</p>

<p>I certainly don’t want to go into the job market right now! I don’t think any degree is useless. You need a degree to do a lot of jobs nowadays. Not everyone’s goal is to make tons of money. Not everyone is taking out huge loans. Not everyone is afraid of taking on debt.</p>



<p>Low income is officially defined as 150% of the poverty line or lower. Being an official low-income student, I can tell you this - cheap colleges are still going to cost me at least $15,000 PER YEAR in loans. Someone who is officially low-income probably has precisely $0 to contribute on a yearly basis (low-income for a family of four is $27,000 or less, for example, or at least it was last time I checked). My advice to low-income achievers would be to apply to private schools (not necessarily the super expensive ones) where aid is easier to come by.</p>