<p>hey, my english teacher gave us this project to do... he gave us 100 of the most important terms to learn for the ap eng lang comp exam at the end of the year... we have to define all of them, then give examples & functions of a selected amount (like 50 something).... im doing the bibliography now... do i make wikipedia just like a regular website or an online dictionary??? thanks a bunch....</p>
<p>Definitely like a web site, because the content on it is created by individuals, unlike dictionaries which are created by companies with English professors, etc. Although the content on Wikipedia may be even better than a dictionary, it technically is not a dictionary, but an online collaborative encyclopedia, which you should treat like a web site.</p>
<p>muchas gracis!</p>
<p>lol, i spelled thanks wrong... gracias*.... (and im in ap spanish too... gosh)</p>
<p>In true research, Wikipedia cannot be cited as a credible resource. Though it is awesome, it is also open for anyone to edit and therefore riddled with errors.</p>
<p>but its changed my life!!! its better than urbandictionary.com ...lol, its great! they have tons of info and its free, unlike britanica... ive used it for papers, but this is like the first time ive ever done a bibliography with it... so i didnt know how to do one with it</p>
<p>De nada. (I think that's it lol...I take French).</p>
<p>lol, french is "de rien" :)... wow, immah dork...</p>
<p>consult the MLA handbook?</p>
<p>I love wikipedia. I mean, come on, it's free! :D I use it all the time, even with its mistakes!</p>
<p>my IB teachers all told us not to cite wiki at all as it is not considered to be a reliable source and should not be the extent of your research. wiki is a place to start drawing ideas from but you should not limit to the information provided on wiki or rely on them.</p>
<p>so my advice- find anotber site to cite</p>