Will a C+ jeopardize my chances for public health graduate school?

<p>I am currently a math major a state school. Originally i was undecided as to what field of applied math I wanted to pursue so I decided to take an engineering class, statics. I ended up with a c+ in the course, and I am more than certain I do not want to do engineering math, but rather go to public health school for biostatistics or epidemiology. I'm going into my sophomore spring semester. and have a cumulative gpa of 3.5. Am I out of the running for phd in biostatistics graduate school?</p>

<p>Hi pick. I would doubt very much if any one or even couple of courses will make or break one’s chances at grad schools. Most grad schools get so many applications that they likely look over one’s GPA score along with other factors. Only possibly those kids right on the border line would they review a transcript course by course. I wouldn’t worry too much about it now. Good luck. Marc</p>