WILL CHANCE BACK! Please chance me for:

<p>Hey! I will chance back! Please chance me for: </p>

University of the Sciences
Swarthmore </p>

<p>Thank you! </p>

<p>Info: </p>

<p>Hi I was just wondering if anyone could chance me for three of my top schools really quickly?? It would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Thank you! -Stressed out Junior</p>

<p>My stats:</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White
State: Pennsylvania</p>

<p>GPA: Weighted --> 4.72
Unweighted --> 3.64</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning: 2000 (just took the June test but don't have results for that one yet)
SAT Subject tests: taking them in October</p>

<p>Class rank: top 11%</p>

Sophomore Year --> Western Civ. Honors (A), English 2 Honors (A), Latin 3 Honors (A), Chemistry Honors (A), AP US Government (B+), Algebra 2 Honors (B)</p>

<p>Junior Year --> AP English Language (B+), AP Physics (B+), AP US History (A), Creative Writing Honors (A), Psychology Honors (A), Latin 4 Honors (A), Trigonometry/Precalc Honors (B)</p>

<p>Senior Year --> (planned) AP Literature, AP Bio, AP Chem, Anatomy Honors, AP Latin, AP Calc AB</p>


<p>Mock Trial (3 years) --> 2 Best Advocate Awards
Academic Decathlon
National Honor Society
Volunteer Tutor (for elementary school kids in my area)
Volunteer at neighborhood Hospital
Ballroom Dancing (2 years) (not competitive)
Sing in my Church Choir for 5 years </p>


<p>President's Education Award
Maxima Cum Laude on National Latin Examination (silver medal)
Best Advocate Awards in Regional Mock Trial Competitions</p>

<p>Potential Hooks: First generation immigrant, low-income background, bilingual (idk if this is a hook)</p>

<p>You got a half list of high reach schools.</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>I’m with billcsho
Hopkins: high reach
NYU: reach
UPenn: very high reach
Drexel: match
Lehigh: reach
University of the Sciences: match
Swarthmore: reach</p>

<p>This may seem a little harsh, but honestly you need both your GPA up and an SAT>2250 to be competitive at these major universities and I wouldn’t consider low income to be a hook you need volunteer hours and EC’s and this can be done. I think you waited too long on the SAT and SAT subject tests, but if you play your cards right and everything falls into place I wouldn’t be surprised to see you get into NYU or Swarthmore.</p>

<p>Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Bumpity bump for more opinions :)</p>

<p>I think you make a good match for Drexel and University of the Sciences, and with some luck you may make NYU if you are able to increase your SAT score. The rest seem very reachy! Write killer essays, and hope for the best! :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>


<p>Hopkins - High Reach
NYU -Low Reach
UPenn-High Reach(apply ED?)
Lehigh -high match
University of the Sciences -idk
Swarthmore -idk</p>

<p>Chance Back? :)</p>

<p>upenn: high reach
hopkins: reach
drexel: mid match</p>

<p>if u raise that SAT ull have a much vetter chance. </p>

<p>chance back: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=1513629[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=1513629&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;