Will COOP (Internship) will help me getting into medical school?

I just got a coop at a neurologist's office as a file clerk (About two weeks). However, I do not have the chance to interacting with the patients. All I do is to file the charts back where they belong. My friend told me that this position is kind of useless since I do not have any interaction with the patients or the doctors. (However, I can feel what it is to work at a doctor's office, and hear the nurses talking about surgeries) I am wandering if this position is right for me? Will this experience help me get into medical school in the future?</p>

<p>BTW I am a sophomore.
Thank you very much</p>

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<p>What the hell is a COOP? Is it a work study program? Is it a true internship (if so, just filing sounds like you are getting shafted). Are you really only working for two weeks? You have to remember that we don't know where you go to school, and while everyone you know understands what COOP is, we don't.</p>

<p>Second, what would you being a sophomore have anything to do with it being good or not? And are you a sophomore in college or HS?</p>

<p>Third - no contact with doctors or patients isn't very helpful. Hearing nurses talk about surgeries probably isn't anywhere near as informative as you seem to think it is. I doubt they're giving a play by play of how the surgery went down. </p>

<p>Fourth - how will you answer this question: How will this experience make you a better doctor in the future? If you can sell this experience, fine, but from what you've told us so far, this seems pretty low-yield.</p>

<p>Fifth - will this sole experience help you get into medical school? Unequivocally ABSOLUTELY NOT. Now, as it represents a part of your overall total application, in relation to your other EC's, then perhaps, it is likely a mild positive. But, again from what you've told us, this doesn't seem like a major experience and probably is going to be a non-factor. No admissions committee is likely to say "we've got to take this student over student x because he filed away charts at a neurologists office!" </p>

<p>Sixth - If you really want to get something out of this experience, you'd be wise to use it as a starting point to a shadowing or volunteer experience.</p>