<p>My school has a grading system that says you have to pass both semesters to pass the class. I'm in geometry right now and there is no way I can pass so I'm going to have to take it in summer school or be a 5th year. But in every other class I am taking I have A's. Does this mean I can kiss my dreams of going to a good school good bye or is there still some hope?</p>
<p>the 1st semester doesn’t end yet. how do you know you are not gonna pass ?
if so, try switching to another math class ?
failing a math class would be detrimental though.</p>
<p>My teacher said so and I can’t switch out</p>
<p>Ouch- It sure wouldn’t help you . </p>
<p>Study harder!</p>
<p>Your failing REGULAR geometry? </p>
<p>Have fun in community college.</p>
<p>Send in your Junior Transcript without your Geometry grade. All my colleges are seeing is the 9-11th grade. And if they ask for mid year report you have a chance then to explain why you are failing. But I am not going to lie. It kinda screws you GPA wise.</p>
<p>Regular geometry? Oh i thought you meant AP. </p>
<p>OUCH. Study hard- hope harder?
Godspeed dude.</p>
<p>AP geometry? </p>
<p>and it probably doesn’t mean you won’t get into ANY good school… but how can you already know you’re failing?</p>
<p>Theres no such thing as AP geometry. He’s obviously failing either regular or honors, which, honestly, means hes not going to be successful in college either.</p>
<p>yeah, i know. that’s why i said that. </p>
<p>and i agree with the rest of the post…</p>
<p>wow failing geometry in ur junior year!</p>
<p>The top 20% of juniors in my class are Acing AP Calc BC, and theyre worried just as much as you are</p>
<p>Good luck man</p>
<p>Yes, its just regular geo…(plus i’m a chick) I absolutly do not understand ANYTHING in that class. There is no sense in trying to explain it though, I was just wondering what you guys thought</p>
<p>When I took geometry as a sophomore in HS, I aced it. I got a 90% as my final grade.</p>
<p>…that’s great for you</p>
<p>^ I’m sure that was very helpful for the OP haha.</p>
<p>Seriously, though, the fact that you’re a senior (I think? or maybe a junior?) and failing geometry is not good. However, it’s not too late. Go to the teacher for some extra help, really push yourself to work harder, etc. It’s one thing if you really tried incredibly hard to do well and completely another if you just give up on it. See if some of your friends who have already taken geometry can help too. </p>
<p>Also, I don’t know why you mentioned you’re a girl. It has really no bearing in this topic, in my opinion…
Edit: Oh, I see now someone referenced you as “he” haha yes I understand now.</p>
<p>I took honors geometry sophomore year and aced it. Easiest class ever. You must have a learning disability to fail it. I mean, getting a B or C is understandable, but an F??? You should see your doctor to make sure you don’t have a learning disability.</p>
<p>What learning disabilities are related to math?</p>
<p>I remember in elementary school I had a hard time grasping long division</p>
<p>Lol I agree.</p>
<p>There’s no reason to insult her. She isn’t ■■■■■■■■ just because she doesn’t understand Geometry.</p>
<p>Try getting a tutor and going in at lunch. Our school offers student tutors from higher level classes, and I’m sure your teacher can find someone for you.</p>
<p>I feel for you. Our Geometry classes are pretty much Honors level, except without the weighted grade (sigh)- I had trouble with my own Geometry class, and I have higher grades in Precal!</p>
<p>What I suggest is that you go back to the first chapters and relearn how to think through proofs - it might save you from a bad test score that would put you too close to a fail grade. Try to get a tutor or at least someone who is matched to your learning ability. You’re not an idiot, but I don’t know how your class is specifically, so I can’t tell if you have trouble understanding the teacher, the book, or etc. Talk to the teacher first - he/she probably has seen students like you before.</p>