Will he fit in being a northener?

<p>^^^And youse guys for those from Noo Yawk and Joisey. :)</p>

<p>My son is from the Chicago area and LOVES Bama. He Is having awesome experiences in the short time he’s been there. </p>

<p>He received a bid from one if the several fraternities that he visited during the spring and although pledgeship is time consuming he wouldn’t change a thing. And, his grades are fantastic! </p>

<p>He told my husband and I that he’s never been happier and that he can’t believe how his life has changed at Bama. </p>

<p>So to answer your concerns- Northerners do fine, more than fine, at UA. Northerners do fine in the Greek system. And finally, you will never convince certain people that UA is a top notch university, but that’s their problem.</p>



<p>Exactly right. S/he will experience cultural enrichment.</p>

<p>Regarding possible differences in the Greek system in the whole North vs South issue: My dh is also from upstate NY and was in a fraternity at RPI. He reports that when he was in college, kids joined fraternities largely in order to get cheaper housing and better food. That was definately not my perception of Greek life in the South. There could be some cultural differences along those lines; I don’t know. Just throwing it out there.</p>


Hey, hey! I’ve always said “you guys.” Youse guys is so tacky ;)</p>

<p>OP: when we relo’d from NJ to TN, we had a few people “kiddingly” ask if we’d be living near hillbillies. Sigh. And when D1 proudly told a dear family friend that she’d be attending UA, he asked her (kidding around) “Aw honey, what’d you do wrong?” </p>

<p>I lived for 4 decades in the North and 1 decade in the South and I still contend that the most parochial attitudes are in the North. My family’s transition to the South was quite pleasant and easy. But as M2CK & ML allude to, the transition from South to North is tough; DH had quite a few coworkers back in the day who only lasted a year after a relo to NJ before their family decided to relo again. As my Jersey Girl tee shirt says: New Jersey: Where the Weak are Killed & Eaten :)</p>

<p>With an incoming class consisting of 55% OOS students, your Northern son will find UA to be very welcoming.</p>

<p>Well, the news has been seeping out for a while here in the NE, the campus is beautiful, clean and safe, the professors and education are top notch, and the scholarships are fantastic… so, it is just a matter of time before many more North-easterners head down South. </p>

<p>We have NY’ers (like my son) and those NJ guys, and oh, let’s not forget the Connecticut students, who are realizing that UA has some of the very best programs and infrastructure in the country. Have you seen the Shelby (State of the Art) Science Complex?
Well, take a look… it is unbelievable, here is a link to phase four (yes, phase four):
[Science</a> and Engineering Complex Phase IV - Buildings - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://eng.ua.edu/buildings/seciv/]Science”>http://eng.ua.edu/buildings/seciv/)
Click through to see the other buildings.</p>

<p>Also, go and take a look at the Honors College when you get to campus. but do schedule a tour before you arrive. I am positive, that when you get to meet all the wonderful people there, you will be wowed by their true “Southern Hospitality”.</p>

<p>I have said this before, but I feel it is worth repeating, The University of Alabama is a true Southern Gem.</p>

<p>Malanai—most New Yorkers arent liberal, but i must laugh everyone thinks we all are.</p>

<p>Upstate13–we are also from NY (westchester-nyc north lol) and UA is our sons top choice as well. Like your son ours will major in accounting and participate in honors. Our son has never visited Alabama but is absolutely convinced and rightfully so that UA is for him. He has a former Lacrosse teammate friend who is a current freshman now who he speaks with daily who ABSOLUTELY loves UA. We have an honors college visit scheduled for mid November and we will attend the Bama game too. All everyone keeps saying is that the visit will seal the deal. No SUNY campus or private for that matter in NY comes remotely close to UA’s.</p>

<p>Info for:The University of Alabama’s Special Reception for New York/ New Jersey</p>

<p>There is a NY/NJ Special Reception scheduled for November 12th. at the Garden City Hotel in Long Island, NY. It is scheduled to begin at 7pm. I suggest arriving early to park and get some refreshments. The food is always good!!</p>

<p>I was informed that Dean Carr, who is the Dean of Engineering, will be the Keynote speaker for that evening. I have met some of the most interesting people at these events, and have always enjoyed the speeches. The speeches are generally very informative and short.There are always UA parents there that you can speak with as well. </p>

<p>It is a well planned event for prospective students and parents.</p>

<p>Argh, that would be great (if it were in Rochester!). I am really hoping our visit on 11/2 will be what he needs (me too) to inform a good decision. Now I am nervous about travel (for him when travelling to and from, no direct flights and then 45 minute drive to campus). I am sure that will be fine too, need to stop worrying :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, I work in Chicago btw (well remotely most of the time, from here in upstate). So I will ask for some more advice if you don’t mind :)…tell me if i made a mistake here, we are visiting on 11/2 (friday) and so we are flying in the night before, will have dinner and walk around a bit I guess, our tour starts at 8:30, I have asked that he meets with Honors college etc/, and then our flight back (latest) is at 5:15. Will that be enough time (I hope)?</p>

<p>Is Allison and Susan setting up your day?</p>

<p>You have an 8 am tour? Great. I would skip the following info session since that info can be gotten on the forum…this will give you more time to see the school, meet with faculty, etc. </p>

<p>Let us know if Allison and Susan are planning your day. If not…send them an email today…</p>

<p>In the email include:</p>

<p>Student’s name and contact info</p>

<p>Date and time of the Campus tour that you’ve reserved.</p>

<p>GPA and test scores (include likely NMSF if applicable)</p>

<p>Likely majors*</p>

<p>Career interests (including med, law, etc)</p>

<p>Anything particular that you want to see. *If you have an interest in seeing the new Science and Engineering Complex, let them know.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:allison.verhine@ua.edu”>allison.verhine@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:susan.alley@ua.edu”>susan.alley@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Allison and her assistant will arrange the rest of the day…meeting with faculty, honors people, touring honors dorms, etc.</p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. These ladies do an excellent job and work very hard</p>

<p>The only connection I’ve ever had to U of A is rooting against them when they play Penn State :smiley: but my impression of UA has always been that it is very much like Penn State – nice campus, lots of school spirit that goes way beyond sports, cohesive community, classic college experience. I think you guys have a nice thing going down there, that a lot of people are just discovering. :)</p>

<p>Thank you! mom2collegekids, our recruiter is setting up the day for us, I also sent in an Honors College tour request (not to anyone specific, right thru site) and all that info was requested on the form so I am sure they have it, I think the recruiter is working with one the ladies you mention, he told me he would get back to me with itinerary…t is so reassuring to hear how devoted and passionate folks are about UA. Thx again!!!</p>

<p>I’m from Rochester too, Greece specifically. </p>

<p>A few years ago I visited Natchez, MS. Before I left, I checked the Natchez events calendar and the only thing noteworthy going on was a Mardis Gras Ball. The announcement said that it was a private party but it gave a contact name and number. Being a somewhat forthright person, I called the contact person and told her I was visiting from NY and had never been to a Mardis Gras Ball and wondered how one got invited to such an event. She informed that she was the Krewe Captain and told me that I was welcome to come and join her and her family at her table. She explained that it was an African-American Krewe and that I would see “a lot of brown faces”. I laughed and thanked her for her kindness and generosity.</p>

<p>I have to say that it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. It was a joy seeing all of the pageantry and lavish costumes and my hosts treated me like I was part of their family going out of their way to make sure I was comfortable and having a good time.</p>

<p>Sadly, I rather doubt that someone from MS crashing a private party in NY would get the same reception.</p>

<p>Needless to say, I have warm spot in my heart for Natchez, MS and the Krewe of Janus.</p>



<p>What? You’re not all part of the vast left-wing media conspiracy? :)</p>

<p>Yeah, I know. It was my 18 year old kid who needed to learn for himself. I, on the other hand, am old enough to remember William E. Miller. ;)</p>



<p>Upstate, are you saying that you’re trying to catch a 5:15pm flight out of Birmingham the same day you’re touring UA/taking the Honors College itinerary? If so, I think you’re really pushing it and will get very stressed out. I’d advise you spend that night in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>I realize that it is a long drive from Rochester to Long Island, so I understand your reluctance to come to the Nov 12th. reception. However, even though it will be after your visit to campus… if you still have questions or want to meet additional UA staff and parents, please come on down.</p>

<p>When you say that your flight is at 5:15, is that on Friday? Since you need to be at the airport, which is an hour away, at least one hour before your flight, you would have to leave at approximately 3pm. Do you also have a rental car to drop off? You will then need to account for that in your timing. </p>

<p>What time do you arrive on Thursday? If late, you may not have much time to explore Tuscaloosa. However, the campus is well lit and very pretty at night so definitely take a drive around, but you might just want to grab dinner,head to your hotel and rest for the next day. There are some really good restaurants we could recommend especially if you like BBQ, Yum! </p>

<p>My concern is that there is so much to do and you may have limited daylight hours. Most prospective students like to go to the Supe Store and that alone can take an hour or so Or you might want to visit the museum or see some of the libraries (the inside). You might want to walk across the quad and hear Denny Chimes. I just don’t want you to feel rushed. Ask for a copy of your itinerary so you can judge the timing better.</p>

<p>As a parent of a Bama freshman from New Yawk, or more specifically Longiland (ha), I can unequivocally say that it is a wonderful, accepting place of kids from all areas of the country. As long as your S/D is open to meeting people, I think the vibe at Alabama is great and these students have plenty of things to do when they are not hitting the books. My son right now is hanging out with Slippy 2000’s kid on his break in New Orleans staying at his house with his other roommates as well. </p>

<p>My son went out on a limb picking Alabama compared to his high school peers and I think he is getting so far all that I could have asked for. I’m not really he ever wants to come home.</p>


<p>My son goes to school in central NJ. He is getting so many negative comments for looking south, but no negative comments re the California schools he likes.</p>

<p>I just keep reminding him:

  1. He knows himself better than they do.
  2. Many of his friends’ parents have put strict geographic limits, so few have ever investigated the southern schools.
  3. It is our debt. Accepting a large scholarship could eliminate that debt and give him much more freedom down the road.
  4. Look at the US News rankings - I am not a firm believer in rankings, but for those who keep telling him he can do better, it is the best way to show them Bama is not the level they think.
  5. He visited. He liked all he met.<br>
  6. Read 1 - 5 again.</p>

<p>In the NorthEast/Mid-Atlantic there are so many schools that are well known nationally and regionally. The negative feedback on Bama is often due to others thinking you are negating the good local schools more than against Bama.</p>

<p>When you say from you are from NY, a lot of people assume that you are from New York City and peg you as an obnoxious p****. To differentiate myself, I say that I’m from Upstate NY, but that is too nuanced for most people. Then I say that I’m from Rochester, and they don’t seem to get that either, so I now say I’m from NY near Niagara Falls. I think most people grasp that Niagara Falls isn’t in New York City.</p>