Will Honors College @University help Med app?

<p>I am wondering if going to my university's honors college (not honors program, honors college) will have any significant impact on the way the Med schools' admissions view my application.</p>

<p>If you are going to the honors college don't you have to be in some sort of honors program? Either way, it will help, some.</p>

<p>Yes, I guess it could be considered an honors program, but I didn't want to get people confused with a regular honors program that any college/university has. Thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>what's the diff between an honors college and honors program?</p>

<p>Basically all universities have honors programs that a student can enter around his/her junior year. An honors college requires applying to the college and a subsequent application to the 'honors college' at the same time. The honors college I am attending is part of the university, but has some different requirements to graduate, and it actually houses a building with several classrooms</p>

<p>I was invited into my university's "honors program" after applying to the school and and invitation-only interview. I have different requirements to graduate and there are certain "honors only" sections on campus. I also know of "honors colleges" that require no separate application and are invitation only as well. So maybe your honors college is just a very good "honors thing?" lol. Different schools have different honors programs/colleges...some are bad, some are good, some are great. Yours sounds like it's one of the greats. I always thought that the words 'program' and 'college' could be interchangeable and were university specific.</p>