Will I be looked down upon at HYP?

<p>Alright. I studied abroad in a private school in Mexico for my freshman year. I took all the classes I would have taken if I did my freshman year in the high school I'm in now, which is in the U.S. except for math and science. For math I had to take the equivalent to Alegbra 1 in Mexico, which was the only math class they offered for freshmen. For science I took chemistry, which was also the only class they offered for freshmen. In my high school now, all the honors kids took algebra 2 and biology. I'm a sophomore now. I'm taking geometry honors, environmental science honors, and AP Spanish Language. All my other classes are CP/regular because the size of my school is so small that everything conflicts with each other because of my unusual schedule because I studied in Mexico my freshman year (yes, I know I said because a bunch of times). Well, now at my school the guidance counselors are making our schedules for junior year. So since I didn't take algebra 2 my freshman year, I am required to take it my junior year. Most of the kids who are in honors will be in pre calc. This completely ruins my schedule because now I can't take other honors classes because they are the same period or something like that it's incompatible basically. I want to take AP U.S history and AP English language because those are my strongest subjects. In order for those classes to be compatible with my schedule I have to take no science or take General Physics which is a class lower then the CP/regular level. My schedule ended up looking like this:</p>

<p>AP Psychology
Alegbra 2 CP
AP Government
General Physics
AP US History 2
Physical Education
AP English Language</p>

<p>I understand I have a lot of APs but my real concern is that when I apply to colleges they're gonna think I'm not well rounded and not smart because I took algebra 2 cp and general physics. I'm worried because I plan on applying to a couple of Ivy league schools and other selective schools. Hopefully someone can give me advice. Thanks.</p>

<p>Course rigor is a factor that colleges consider along with your gpa. Rigor is evaluated within the context of your HS (how many APs are offered and how many are taken compared to other students); your HS GC will mark your schedule as Most Demanding, Very Demanding, Demanding, etc.</p>

<p>Yeah, but I’m not in those regular classes because I belong there. I’m in them only because it’s impossible for me to have all honors because I did my freshman year of high school in Mexico. My high school is really small and they have pre determined tracks for students. If you fall off that track by just one class it is almost impossible to take the most demanding courses. It really isn’t my fault because in Mexico they only offered Algebra 1. I’m just worried that being in 2 classes that are below honors level will hurt me when applying to HYP. Anyway I’m one of the smartest students in my class and I am fully capable of taking the most demanding courses. I really don’t belong in those 2 regular classes but there is nothing I can really do about it. </p>

<li><p>I would assume you made the choice to study in Mexico for fr year.</p></li>
<li><p>Taking summer courses so that you can take more advanced coursework in HS is an option.</p></li>
<li><p>You can either have your HS GC discuss your situation in their evaluation or you can put something about it in the Additional Info section. I would recommend the former as it is more objective.</p></li>

<p>Can you double up on math classes? Take Alg 2 and pre-calc?
Can you take Alg 2 over the summer so you can catch up?</p>