Will I be rescinded from UCI?

My major is business economics, and I received a B- in my Math 1B (second lvl of calc) class when my contract stated that I needed at least a B. I feel that I have really reasonable grounds to appeal if I do rescinded though. Would I be able to appeal in this case? In the second half of the quarter, the doctor discovered a large tumor in my breast, and I had to get surgery to have it removed and tested. I was told that it was either benign, or late stage cancer. I was extremely anxious and devastated, and only learned of the results after my final. My teacher would not excuse me from my assignments on the day of my surgery and during my time of recovery, so I did kind of poorly. I was at a solid B+ before my final, which plummeted my grade. I also had to miss two assignments which weren’t excused regardless of my circumstances. The tumor turned out to be benign, but the stress of the experience cost me my grade. I was so, so close to a B. My overall GPA still stands pretty high at a 3.83 even with this grade though.

I already contacted admissions, but they won’t get back to me until next week. The stress of this is killing me. Has anyone been in a similar situation? What happened?

No clue but UCI has been going on a rescinding spree. I already know like 10+ people who got rescinded. Tell us the updates once they get back to you!