Will I be rescinded from UCLA for two C’s?


Feeling a little nervous about my UCLA admissions offer. I’m in a difficult calculus course and might end the year with a C in each semester of the course. Has anyone been in this situation and gotten rescinded/accepted?

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I didn’t get into UCLA so it might be different from Cal but Cal’s requirement was to not get anything lower than a C, so I think you should be fine if all you get is a C.

Read your admission letter but no.

I agree to read your admission letter, but in the past it stated you are required to maintain a 3.0 Unweighted GPA, no more than 2 C’s Senior year and no D’s or F’s.

My admissions letter says to report two or more cs, so I might need to report/give an explanation. I’ll try to keep you all updated for anyone curious of my results

One C is not two. So nothing to report if one.

If possible, should I switch to ap calculus AB with my current b grade instead? Thanks

( I would still need to report this )

how do you have a current grade in a class you’re not taking - if you’re taking a higher level.


I would try to switch into calc ab & my grade in bc would transfer to that class

But you said you have a C. How can you be assured you have a B.

Too many kids over step in Calc BC.

All that said, if this is your only C, you clearly will meet the standards of UCLA - and you’ll likely repeat the class again next year.

i am not sure what grade I will get yet in semester 2, but I have one c already in s1

And if you get a C tell them. Or call now and ask.

The time to drop down would have been earlier.

What major? My guess is they won’t respond but maybe have you take again. No one requires BC.

But call with the hypothetical. I’m not sure a school would allow one to change this late…