Will I be rescinded?

Hello all; I am currently enrolled as an incoming freshman to Loyola University Chicago, currently as an Undecided Business. I was accepted in November as an Early Action applicant, and am very excited to get started there.
However, over the course of my second semester of my senior year, I got a D in AP Calculus AB. One D, and the rest of transcript is crystal clear. Comparatively speaking, my GPA has actually increased since they accepted me, since I’ve managed to dramatically increase all of my other grades, including several AP grades (we’re talking going from a C in one class first semester to a high B second semester, and from A minuses to A pluses), but there’s still that one D there.
I’ve read my acceptance letter up and down three times now, and nowhere does it mention the usual “Your enrollment is contingent on your continued success…” or any other conditions whatsoever; the letter, when paraphrased, basically congratulates me and says they can’t wait to speak with me further. I feel very concerned about this and want to contact my Admissions representative at Loyola, but I do not want to have that awkward conversation for no good reason. Am I at risk of being rescinded? Or am I being crazy?
Thank you so much in advance

There is an ever so slight possibility that your acceptance would be rescinded, but if all of the other grades are real good, you should be OK. If it bothers you a lot, call the Admissions rep to ease your mind. The experience with my daughter looking at Loyola, the staff there is very approachable and willing to help.

Yes, all my other grades are really good, which is why I am genuinely confused as to what to do, because I don’t think they’ll see my grades and think I stopped trying or don’t care about what is going into my major, but on the other hand, they can still interpret it as me not being sufficient.

Just wondering what the outcome was…my guess is Paul is happily enrolled at Loyola this year…