Will i get accepted to UCI or UCLA?

<p>I am senior in high school and i am wondering what my chances of being accepted to UCI or UCLA are.</p>

<p>My high school gpa is:3.6-3.67</p>

<p>SAT I score is 1840, taking SAT subject test this october(chem/math 2)</p>

<p>I took the all the rigorous classes my school had to offer except for ap bio(class was full). I also took a pre-cal class in community college because my teacher said it would look good towards UC’s (something about college experience) </p>

<p>Right now i am taking 5 ap classes(physics, stats, english, gov/econ, calculus), advance drama(uc approved and weighted) and cross country.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars include two year member of red cross, NHS, and merits( i plan to join them sr year as well). I was also in csf for one year. I have 75+ hours of community service hours so far. I was in cross country for two years and track for three years. I plan to do cross country and track my senior year. Sport performance wise, im varsity for my school for both sports but i am not fast enough to be a top runner for UC’s </p>

<p>Also, so far i have two years of language(spanish) because i was not able to take it junior year because the class was full(budget cuts) and i wasn’t able to fit it in my schedule. My school councilors didnt add me into spanish for my sr year as well, but i am wondering if i should take a third year of language since it is recommended? My sister says i shouldnt since im not doing four years(for ap spanish). If i do take it i would have to sacrifice a weighted grade in advance productions(im sure i can get an A in this class). Advance productions would raise my overall HS gpa, but spanish 3 would complete my recommended three years a-g requirements for language.</p>

<p>that is my weighted gpa. i spent too much time on sports which brought my gpa down…</p>

<p>No one really knows. Your GPA and SAT scores seem a bit on the low side for Irvine and more-so for LA, but you have a pretty good list of extracurriculars and maybe your essay can get you through.</p>

<p>The truth is, none of us know if you’ll get in or not. Good luck.</p>

<p>^ I agree. No one knows. You might write a killer personal statement but your GPA and SAT scores are wayyy too low.</p>

<p>I got into Irvine with an 1830 SAT, so it’s possible.</p>

<p>maybe irvine, not likely for la.</p>

<p>No way on UCLA, and there is a good chance you could be rejected to Irvine. I had a friend who had a similar GPA as you and SAT scores a little over 1900 and she got rejected.</p>

<p>Also, generally, if they recommend you to do something, you should. Especially for schools who do admissions based on a points system. Those extra points for taking those recommended courses can really help.</p>

<p>raise ur SAT and u have a good chance for Irvine :). LA iono :(</p>