Will I get any Fin Aid???

<p>My parents make around $130K, we have an EFC of $28K
I'm looking at the finaid initiatives at the ivies and other top schools and i dont fit in many of the ranges for no loans or decreased tuition.</p>

<p>Most of my top schools dont give merit aid, or at least to many. Will I get stuck paying the sticker price, or just my EFC. My parents really dont want to pay more than $20K.</p>

HYP, cornell, columbia, stanford brown, duke, jhu</p>

<p>past ppl with my situation, how has fin aid worked out for you?</p>

<p>You’ll likely end up paying less than sticker price (tuition, fees, room & board, books, misc), but more than the EFC. If you get accepted to one of the schools that do meet full need, you may end up paying the EFC, plus take out some student loans, and do some work study.</p>

<p>i cant speak for other schools, but for hyp, i talked to their reps regarding this, and i told them that our family income is $350,000/year and they still told me to apply for FA and said that even if its not that much, there’s a good chance that i would get SOME</p>

<p>Some private schools give automatic scholarships to anyone with academic merit. ie. they have a list price of “30,000” for tuition, but anyone with an “A” average gets a merit award of $12,000 and “B” students get $9,000. By making it cheaper for better students to attend, they increase the quality of the students that attend.</p>


<p>im just worried bc I know I can’t afford many of these schools if I do get in</p>

<p>Most kid’s can’t afford most colleges. Other than a handful at the very top, if your family can’t pay it’s EFC, you can’t afford it.</p>