will i get caught?

<p>i'm an international with a place at the u of chicago, but i took a gap year. i really wanna have a second shot at yale and princeton this season, but i don't want to lose my place at u of chicago. if i apply without telling them, what are the chances of me getting caught? i know they're all top schools and all, but u of chicago isn't in the ivy league, so it should be safer, shouldn't it?</p>

<p>Are you saying that you deferred admission to U Chicago? If so, you need to read the requirements of that deferral. If you committed to go to Chicago, that's what you should do. But often a deferral is only an option to attend that school. You need to see what you agreed to.</p>

<p>i paid a deposit, but i've read (from the MIT blog) that U Chicago doesn't allow me to apply elsewhere while they hold my place.</p>

<p>but would i get caugbht anyway? what are the chances? how do they share information anyway?</p>

<p>Why do you want to give up U Chicago just because it's not Ivy? It is an excellent university, and being in the Ivy league is not everything a college needs to be good. I think that Chicago is better than Cornell, for example. Especially since you break the rules, you are safer at Chicago.</p>

<p>You rely on MIT to tell you the rules at Chicago? Perhaps you don't belong at either.</p>

<p>And I won't answer the question of whether you'll get "caught". You want to be dishonest, you take your chances.</p>

<p>no, i don't wanna give up U Chicago. i just wanna see if i can make it into a better school. all i want to do is just to try and get a better hand for myself, and pursue my dream. i'm sure tons of people think of this every year.</p>

<p>could some kind soul tell me the chances?</p>

<p>I'm surprised they let idiots like you into Chicago.</p>

<p>the chances of UChicago finding out is nearly 100%. The world is smaller than you think, and oftentimes the adcoms at top universities talk alot. And it's not always about college admissions. Many of these people are friends. What you are doing is wrong, illegal (you are trying to: a) lie to UChicago, b) break their contract), and quite stupid. Someone is bound to find out. And where will that end you up? In with a rescinded admission everywhere you apply and are accepted? in court? </p>

<p>Point is, even if they don't find out today or tomorrow, they WILL. Since you brought up MIT, take a look at the MIT dean of admissions who paraded around her undergraduate degree for 30 years before she was exposed and MIT took back their degree. While she made plenty of money for several decades, they eventually found out she lied, and now where is she??</p>

<p>Jobless. If that isn't enough to deter you from the mistake you are about to, then nothing will. I wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>"no, i don't wanna give up U Chicago. i just wanna see if i can make it into a better school. all i want to do is just to try and get a better hand for myself, and pursue my dream. i'm sure tons of people think of this every year."</p>

<p>i really don't get what you're trying to do. I wouldn't consider Princeton or Yale better the UChicago- they're all excellent. I don't see why going to UC would keep you from pursuing you dream or getting a better hand for yourself.</p>

<p>Read the requirements at UC. I imagine they wouldn't appreciate your applying to other schools. I don't know if you'll get caught or not. But this entire things seems INCREDIBLY dishonest.</p>

<p>What is your agreement with Chicago? If you're not certain what your commitment is you can contact to them to clarify. Getting your information from the MIT blog is not the right way to go about this. </p>

<p>Have you given any thought to the prospective Chicago student who will be rejected because the university is holding a place for you? You're not the only one pursuing your dream.</p>

<p>If you are committed to Chicago, you have to go there. If you get accepted ot the other schools and choose one of them, both colleges may rescind your acceptance if they find out how you backed out of your commitment. The world of admissions officers at top colleges is very small, and I think there's a good chance that your plan will backfire.</p>

he world of admissions officers at top colleges is very small, and I think there's a good chance that your plan will backfire.


A computer and a good connection to the internet make sharing names online automatically take probably less than 1 second. The world is actually smaller then you think.
Nobody will even have to bother checking it out, they can have a program that does it for them.</p>

<p>Answer: Now you will. S</p>

<p>omeone from the chicago admissions office may well be monitoring this board :-).</p>

<p>I'd bet that there aren't a lot of U Chicago acceptees who are international and took a gap year this year. More than likely, the Chicago admissions office knows who you are.</p>


Nicely put</p>

I'd bet that there aren't a lot of U Chicago acceptees who are international and took a gap year this year. More than likely, the Chicago admissions office knows who you are.


<p>Busted .</p>

<p>Besides being unethical (in the hit-and-run sense), I'm a little scared of your attitude. Did you take a gap year to discover yourself, or did you take a gap year because you were ashamed of your Ivy rejections?</p>

<p>Chicago is many things, but a consolation prize it is not. We obviously considered you academically qualified to attend, but the worst attitude you can have here is an "I'm only here because I didn't get into ______." Chicago is rigorous like none other and doesn't really offer the typical college experience as much as other schools do, and the students who come here and enjoy it want to be here. It may not have been their first-choice school, but it wasn't an "only if I don't get in anywhere else" school.</p>

<p>Anyhoo, contact your admissions counselor-- I would recommend withdrawing from Chicago if you don't want to attend.</p>

<p>You should withdraw so that someone who wants it can take your place.</p>

the chances of UChicago finding out is nearly 100%.


<p>Lol... because admissions officers live and breathe college 24/7 and discuss every single deferral they've received with each other...</p>

<p>I'd be surprised if there weren't networked databases of some kind or another, though.</p>