Will i get in CAS with my Slightly bad SATS?

<p>Hey i have a 600 reading and 610 math-1210. On writing i got a 12/12 on my essay and a 630. These are very low scores, i know. But on the other hand my weighted GPA is 5.0233 and my unweighted a 3.81. I took 2 Ap online classes, take 7 this year, and when i graduate i will have a total of 13 AP's taken. </p>

<p>My essays were extremely extremely good message me if you want to read them.I am appying early decision, and i have about 18 extracurricular activites
varsity tennis
varsity golf
vice pres med sci club
vice pres chess club
vice president of business club
secretary youth crime
secretary math club
secretary ecology club
in national honor society
in ambassadors club
PETA club
and i raised 500 dollars for leukemia in 9th grade and 650 in 11th grade</p>

<p>will my low SATS cost me cornell e.d. admissions for general biology at CAS?</p>

<p>lol. i suggest that you don’t list all of your extracurriculars; just the top 6 or 7 that you like best. i don’t know how to chance people but thats a piece of advice you should take</p>

<p>actually i should list all of them seeing as i did them…and i did list teh top 6 for teh common app.</p>

<p>Where do you list the rest?</p>



<p>I really don’t think you should list all of them. Your ECs show lack of focus. I mean let’s say your an admission officer and you see the follow list of ECs:</p>

<p>Business Club - 3 hours/week
Golf Club - 2 hours/week
Math Club - 2 hours/week
Ambassador Club - 2 hours/week
Tennis Team - 2 hours/week
Piano - 3 hours/week
Violin - 3 hours/week
Volunteer - 3 hours/week
Chess Club - 2 hours/week</p>

<p>So… my question is, what do you like? And… do you have a life? It is virtually impossible for you to excel academically with 20+ hours of ECs per week right? </p>

<p>Admission officers are looking for a balance between ECs, and academics, so that you excel in both. A lot of the ECs I see on CC are just plain b.s. or excessive exaggeration. 50 hours on ECs and 4.0 GPA? Give me a break. That’s called dishonesty, not brilliance.</p>

<p>It in no way is impossible for a person to excel academically with 20+ hours of ECs a week. I’ve got like a 4.0, spend 25+ hours on ECs a week and still have time to watch my TV shows when I get home at night and I’m not being dishonest lol. 50 hours a week is kind of a bit excessive though…</p>



<p>I don’t quite understand this sentence.</p>

<p>However, my point is that watch out the amount of time you spend on ECs. To me (and certainly to some admission officers, considering that in Canada people below 18 are limited to maximum 20 hours of work a week), 20+ hours are just absolutely impossible and don’t really comprehend the real meaning of ECs. The real meaning is that you have to enjoy them, and people shouldn’t do them for university admission. (I keep my ECs at around 10 to 15 hours and focus on three.)</p>