Will I get rescinded for not getting my IB diploma? (USF)

Hi everyone,
I just got news today that I will not be receiving my IB diploma due to not completing CAS on time. The reason why I didn’t complete it was because I was under the impression that it was complete all along because no one told me otherwise. I’m currently trying to work with my school to allow my CAS to still be submitted, but my school is quite strict on this matter. I know that this means I will just get an IB certificate and I will will be able to use my exam scores towards college classes but not have the diploma. I have already committed to USF (University of south Florida) and I’m scared I will be rescinded. They did not specifically tell me on my acceptance letter that completing the diploma is a requirement but I’m not sure if it’s an unspoken agreement. Other than failing CAS, I’m studying really hard for my IB exams in hopes of using them for credit in college which is still allowed without the diploma. Will I be rescinded for not having my diploma? Even though I will have a certificate of completing the program and will be able to use my exam scores towards credit…


Just be aware that this is a good lesson for college (as well as life) - missing deadlines will have consequences.