Will my 18 schools (Harvard, Princeton, Duke, etc.) like this essay?

<p>PM it to me.</p>

<p>PM me and I will give some comments.
18 school is ok i think..since i am also applying for 15 or more schools</p>

<p>PM me and I will give some comments.
applying for 18 schools is ok i think..since i am also applying for 15 or more schools</p>

<p>hey dudes i have a sat1 score of only 1790 .do u think i sud apply or not</p>

<p>^^^ What???</p>

<p>^^defenaly sud.</p>

<p>^^^ must sud definelely 2. asdofjawerjfsoier. sojfd? sijheralkdjf~</p>

<p>(what???) :)</p>

<p>Sure, PM me, although I'm only applying to 17 :)</p>

<p>UCs should only count as one unless you're doing supplements. xD</p>

<p>I'll help you, pm the essay</p>

<p>pm me as well</p>

<p>u can pm me too if u still need people to read it.</p>